Chapter 42

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"Baby girl," Negan said, his voice low and rough and dangerous, "hey. Fancy seeing you here. You know, I gotta say, you're...real lookin' good on your knees."

It was another day today. Mal was helping a man named Joel, a brawl grey haired man, unloading supplies. Outside of the back entrance close to the path to take you to the dam, they unload from a white van. The cargo inside had boxes of food from used to be the Flyer Frontiers, just from the symbol design in the boards.

As they pass the boxes at Mal, Negan came in, Ellie on his leather clad shoulder, and instantly went on her knees as the Saviors were still unloading. They went on their knees before! Why her only? Her thoughts were conflicted in confusion and rage.

Mal cut a quick look at him with his seedy comment, but she stopped herself to stare back at him.

"I missed you," said Negan with a smile, peering at her from under his broad appearance.

"Be my sugar daddy and hold Ellie for me? You girls already kissed and made out without me." Negan huffed as he put Ellie into her hands. Mal holding on the bat in a grimace look of remembering the sharp bite on her bottom lip and the beatings and blood splatters of those boys.

Mal followed him like a dog as they head inside the Sanctuary to take all the food into the storage room at the second level.

Yes, when they were going up there Negan's obnoxious loud mouth, Mal trying to ignore practically everything that came out of this guy's mouth when she listens as he talks about the Tradepost. The things why Charlie ordered the Calvary Boys to attack the place and why she was there as well. Negan needed the intentions, and Mal thought of telling everything, yet she hardly knows anything going on. She doesn't know which one's a white lie between Charlie and Negan. They're both at neck with each other. The KillGames is another puzzle, involving Negan and how Charlie and Glory depicted of killing Negan.

They stop as the Saviors dropped the boxes on the shelves with the other goods. Negan had already walked in to give it a look.

"So what do you do in the Tradepost?" Negan asked.

"Look, I know you want answers, but I'm in the same conflict as you." She said bluntly.

"And you're friends? They been with you forever?"

She shakes her head.

"I noticed you are very protective of them, especially that beautiful darlin', Vix."

Mal jerked at her name and scowls at Negan, gripping the bat more.

"Is she single? I have a feeling she is," he laughed, crossing his fingers. "I was gonna ask her to come back with me."

She cuts a disgusted look at Negan. "Careful. Careful how you're lookin' at me, Mal. Oh, I know what you're thinkin'. How could I have a shot, a guy who took her girlfriend? You'd be surprised." He exhales. "Girls are special."

Mal takes a hold of the handle of the bat. "With being young and full of curiosity, they are just empty inside. No one to love 'em."

Mal gripped harder on the bat, fury and rage that flowed through her screamed at her to charge at Negan and drive the bat at his slick dark hair and into his vulgar charismatic face. But even then Mal would be killed by the Saviors. Instead, she loosens her grips and breathes out long breaths to calm herself before she does something stupid.

"But usually not for long," Said Negan in a singsong voice. And then chuckles suggestively. "I can see her as a spitfire. She's strong and I like her that. Even you, serial killer. You girls know how to handle the tough shits that no other man can handle. Hell, you got more balls than anyone. Well, except me."

"Well, first of all, why were you with those dickless boys?" Said Negan.

She was hesitant at first but suddenly wanted to clear him, hope that he listens and won't frame Mal and destroy the Tradepost. "...Charlie told them. He wasn't clear about why." Mal said quietly.

"Holy shit, really?" Said Negan with a deep door hinged chuckle.

"It is?" said Mal.

"Fuck yeah, look at you. All good girling up, spilling all the dirtiest little secrets from Charlie that he didn't want you to spill. I can't see you taking Charlie's orders." Negan laughed.

"I don't. What do you want me to tell you?" Said Mal in a snarl.

"I don't know, Mal." He growls. "How about a thank you. You think that might be in order? Or is that too fucking much to ask?" Negan was about an inch away to her face- he basically bent a little down at her height since he about six-two feet per say and Mal being five foot two- his hot breath blew into her closed mouth. She was uncomfortable at him close to her personal space, yet stared back at him with intense blue eyes to his dark hazel eyes.

"Oh, I know we started off on the wrong foot, but what can I say? You forced my hand, Mal. But it's like I've been tryin' to tell you. I'm a very reasonable man as long as you cooperate, so let me ask you a question, Mal. Are you cooperating?"

He licks between his white teeth. "What's it look like?" Said Mal.

"Oh-ho-ho. I know what it looks like. But I really want to know is you keeping it up on everything you know about Charlie Pink-Eye."

"To the best of my knowledge, I will try."

"I am countin' on that, Mal."

Negan continued to stare at Mal, a small smile forming at the corner of his lips.

She looked at the boxes that they brought in. Once again, it's not there were only a few, but certainly weren't a lot. Although, the Saviors have about as many such as the Tradepost. Well, what's left in the Tradepost.

"This all of it?" asked Mal when the Saviors left them alone.

"Yep this is the last box."

"Where did you find this stuff?"

"Uh, found a abandon truck and we took it for grand."

"Lucky you. That's hard to find any Frontiers supplies."

"Yeah. Now, help me get it in." said Negan. "Not something I often have to tell the ladies." He let out the goofiest laugh Mal had ever heard. A stupid self-congratulatory laugh. Mal was over it already. She ignored Negan and puts down Ellie, leaning the bat on the wall as she puts the last box in the shelf, and takes Ellie by the handle, hanging by Mal's palm.

"Do you want me to leave?" He asked, a grin on his face.

"I think it's a good start." Mal said in a wary voice.

"Then just say the two magical words?"

"...T-Thank you..."

"Don't be ridiculous. Thank you." She was looking at him in wide-eyed earnestness, and Negan leaned back with an incredulous laugh. "Mal," he said after a long moment.

He rose to his feet and was about to leave but stopped in his tracks, shaking his head. "Oh, how careless of me. You didn't think I was gonna leave Ellie, did ya? I mean, after what she did, why would you want her?"

He came behind her, his hand drawing itself to hers, a little too personal on her hand and her waist and him leaning against her shoulder. "Thank you for being so accommodating, friend." She hands Ellie to Negan, stepping back away from him.

Negan approached Mal to her ear, licking his lips in anticipation.

"In case you haven't caught on, I just slipped my dick down your throat, and you thanked me for it."

Mal cringed, furious at herself. At what Negan told her.

He was right. She's following him, commanded by his order, and doing anything he wants for her. She just a lap dog. He is so right.

Mal is letting Negan slip his dick down her throat. And she hates herself of being obedient.

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