Chapter 57

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Afterward, Vix came off a job as she gathered the whole group and the kids around the table.

Vix stopped and removed her mud covered gloves. Her eyes were rimmed with red from crying in frustration.

"Changes of plans," Vix said. "We're leaving tonight."

The kids stare at her open mouthed.

"Really?" asked Johan.

"Why?" asked Rin at the same time.

Vix looked up at the ceiling for a moment and leaned her forearms wearily on the table. "I really can't stand Charlie and this damn community," she said. "Sometimes it's harder to tell which side of the wall the dead are on."

Lugh rubbed her shoulder, and she smiled sadly and patted his hand.

Then she took a breath and turned into gov them both a long, appraising stare. "There are conditions. The RK's will go out to Negan place since Lalon has been scouting the area, somewhere in Jackson, and will try to deal with Negan, to have Mal back. Might kill him just in case, but I don't want that to happen and do it. When we get her we'll camp up in the mountains. Not down on the lowlands where all the Infected are, but not in the clearer zones up high. Minimal protection, no luxuries. We'll try some roads we haven't been on together and leave far away from the Tradepost. If you can handle that, then we'll just keep going toward Idaho amd points east."

Vix had planned the trip very carefully, or at least as carefully as a journey through largely unknown territory can be planned. There were a few rest stops along the way. The first was the monk's station, and the next was the Eleven Towns called Fairview.

"We will head down to the sewers and it will take us about seventy blocks into the city and we'll take there. Now here's the trouble, north is up where the Saviors are and southeast is where one of monk station is so the RK's will head over to Negan and you kids will go to the south of the sewers, stop at about quarter mile of the road. Stay in the trees in anything comes until we come back. If anything weird happens and we get separated I want you guys to head for monk's way station."

The station was likely to be the safest place along the route. Brother David is a well kind person from her experience, even from his radical beliefs of the Children of Lazarus, and is a brother between his sisters.

Killeen sighed, holding AJ in his arms, rocking him, and Vix asked him what was wrong.

"What if you don't come back, that Negan doesn't let Mal or either of you go?" He said cautiously.

"We'll keep trying until we get it right." Vix smiled at the looks of alarm on their faces. "Understand me, I don't like departing us but I believe all of you are so strong and Mal would be so proud of you guys. We are going, we should of been gone two weeks ago. The only question is whether you're ready to go now."

Max nodded. "I say I'm ready."

"Me too," Killeen said grimly.

Vix gave a noncommittal grunt, which Lalon interpreted as I'll be the judge of that.

"I'm in as well," Rin said.

"Finally we're leaving," Johan said.

"Okay," said Vix. "If we're going now, get your pack backs, fill it up your weapons, what you need. We have a week's worth of stuff I gathered already. Fill your canteens and let's go."

They all stand together, and nodded.

"Leaving is never easy," said Lugh. "Even when you know you have to go."

Vix goes over to Max, squeezed his shoulder. "Max, I know you've grown up so much and became such a responsible boy. You'll lead the kids. You're their leader and you guys listen to him."

Mac licked his dry lips and swallowed a dry throat and in a dry voice said, "Yes. I will lead them."

Vix's eyes searched his, looking for a lie. Somehow that made Max feel stronger. He leaned toward her, letting her see everything she could find in his eyes. She smiled. "Good. I know you will."

Everyone split. She filled her bag with matches, a compass, hand line and strong string for fishing, wires, and broad heads.

Screwing in the sharp blades broad heads into the arrow, she puts the arrows in her hide sling that Lalon hunted moose upon his trip and made the hide from it. She adjusted the sling, her hand carrying the recurve bow then cleared her throat. Everyone came back with their packs, AJ is being carried in a back sling by Killeen, each of them in hand with different weapons in their favor.

She nodded.

"Keep your weapons in hand. Right now speed is more important than anything. The guards will be searching so we must go fast and keep low until we're clear. After that, head into the sewers."

Lalon gave them a hard look. "We don't want any heroics. I know you think you're finally gonna be hotshots, but you are a long way from being real survivor. A skilled fighter doesn't take needless risks. We understand?"

They nodded.

"No," Lugh said sternly, "say it."

They said it.

Vix finally gave a grudging nod. She stepped downstairs, passing along their training room and out the door. Opening the door slowly she peeks through the peak of her eye, seeing the yellow lights of fire in the night, there are barely any guards around the perimeter or the walls, the people were staying inside their apartments.

"Okay-remember what I said. Keep low, move fast, and don't stop until you're in the sewers. Ready? Let's go!"

One by one they slipped out though the doors and ran at full speed to the bank of the open streets.

Everyone searched once a while to search for anyone up as they ran. There was nothing but it didn't stop them to run more. The eight of them made no sound, and within a few minutes even the sharpest of the guards could not see them. They take a sharp turn to the dark alleyway, Lalon sliding on his knees to pull the heavy cylinder, opening the staircase into the sewers. One at a time they climbed down to a smelliest rot, their footfalls splashing on the murky waters. Vix came down last, curling her nose to a scrunch from the terrible smell and in all their left bag strap they turned their flashlights on and kept running as the kids follow the teens.

After a half of fifty blocks Vix slowed from a full-out run to a light trot, and a two thirds of a block later eased down to a walk and finally stopped at where two tunnels split, the left took into the east end of the city, and the other took the middle inside the city.

"Max, take the left. It will take you outside the city and go into the forest immediately." She patted her pockets to fish out two of her three bottles of cadaver one and handed them to Max.

"I don't plan to be gone long enough for a day and to need this much," said Vix. "You guys might."

"Vix, I-" Max began, but Vix cupped him around the back of the neck and pulled him forward. She hugged him, kissing his exposed head from his cap. "Stand tough, Max. You've learned a lot. Use it. Be smart."

Max nodded. "Strong and smart."

Then everyone hugged tightly together, letting it soak in until Max told them they're leaving and all of them began running in a pack. Within seconds they were gone; within minutes the lights were gone, swallowed up by the darkening echoed watery sewers.

Vix almost went in tears, but not today. She huffs a sigh, a small quick wipe on her cheeks and she's handling it. "So we're gonna kill Negan?" Lalon asked.

"You wait for my signal. I rather not kill him, just talk to him." She slings the bow across her upper body. "Plus a handsome man like him and a pretty girl like me, we can get along. Maybe even have ourselves a little date."

The boys rolled their eyes. "Yes, he is such a handsome man," Lalon said, flicking his long hair like a girl does, "doesn't mean he can be a nice guy. He's a child-like adult jerk."

"Yet very imitating." Lugh said. "I mean with those intense eyes, the leather jacket making him look like if Jace Herondale/Lightwood went full on the dark side with Sebastian with leather jackets, and that deep door-hinged, soothing laughter..." He shudders right to his spine. "He must have this curse with women loving him, including you Vix, even in the most daunting threats ever."

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