Chapter 47

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As soon as she catches sight of the man moving in front of her, she raises her gun. But just like the last times he'd been trying to acquaint a gun with Negan's smug face, she's too slow in delivering the blow. The older male is quicker than the child expects, forcefully seizing the barrel and pushing forward, effectively slamming Mal harshly onto the hard floor. The back of her head smacks the wood and instantly aches from the impact. She groans, vision swimming dizzily. Her chest feels constricted with Negan pinning her down, alerting Mal not for the first time of the massive size difference that exists between them. Negan is more powerful, in every single way, and she hates it. "Isn't this a bitch?" Negan chuckles. "Looks like you're stuck with me again, kid. And while I respect these lady-sized balls of yours," And Negan's foot presses painfully against her crotch as he says it, "they aren't gonna get you outta this one. Hell, it's looking like neither of us might. So do me a fucking favor and save trying to kill me until one or both of us goes down in a fight better than this shit."

Negan frisks her for her weapons, yanking up the gun from her waist. He checks the clip in the gun, and replaces it with a chortle. "Still has almost a full fucking clip, huh? Your aim not worth shit?"

Mal glares at him, nostrils flaring. "The bullets were for you."

He aims the gun inches from Mal's face, smirking down at her. Negan guffaws, shaking in his head, and tucks the gun into the waistband of his jeans. "I can't talk to you like this. Let's get you properly on your ass."

He extends his hand, and Mal contemplates it for a second before he once again finds herself taking it, shifting so she's sitting upright. She eyes Negan wearily, who still has Ellie's slim handle clenched in his other fist, and draws back a little from him.

"Why the fuck did you try to kill me, again?" It's an honest question by Negan. "I just beat you up and you were a badass when you didn't stop but what the fuck Mal."

Mal wanted to laugh. "You are the first person who ever beaten me up. And because I trusted my guts. The last time someone brought me a place of safety, wealth, security, not worrying about anything it led me to a place I would love to change it. It brought me into something I hate myself."

"It's good to know who to trust or not from your gut or heart, but this is bull. Shiit. I was very honest and clear with you, I gave you a chance to work with me."

"To kill me or what?"

Negan's eyes darken, involuntarily making Mal's neck hairs stand on end. "You're really starting to piss me off, you little shit. It'd be too damn easy for me to just open this door and toss your ungrateful ass out there. Hell, I still might. Your screamin' would be delightful. I could probably even use it to my advantage to get outta this mess."

Mal's jaw tightens, but despite the situation, he feels victorious. If it means Negan's death, she'd be fine with her own. "Then why don't you?" She demands testily.

The inhuman screeching from the Runners outside grows louder, sounding increasingly more frenzied, more ravenous. They're clawing at the trailer, intent on ripping it apart and devouring their dinner. She wants to bolt out of here, but there are too many of them. She'd be dead the second she stepped out. Right now, she's a sitting duck, the same as Negan, and he knows it. Negan surprises her by sliding down the wall opposite her, sighing tiredly.

After a few minutes of complete silence, Negan speaks again. "Look, despite what you seem to think, I've helped people my whole life." His tone shifts to something much more serious, colder.

Mal scoffs, disbelieving. "Yeah? You, help people? Like who?"

Something nostalgic crosses Negan's features, a soft kind of memory that takes Mal aback a little. "Believe it or not? Kids. You don't show 'em the way, they turn out like garbage." He gives Mal an almost fond once-over. "Teaching 'em was enough for me. Little assholes become great, big ones. So you show 'em the way. Adults, they need it, too. Government, laws, religion, guilt. Let me impart some grown-up wisdom onto you, kid. People are weak. Every last one of us. Even you."

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