Chapter 44

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Negan laid back on the seat as his people drive towards the empty road to the Tradepost. Now, will that fucker he there? He definitely hopes so or he'll won't have the patience and reck havoc.

His eyes caught on his trusted baseball bat, one of the first ones he owned. "Don't worry baby, daddy's gon' give you a show." He sensually caressed the handle like the precious gem it was. Some might look at it and see an old, worn piece of wood and calling Negan crazy of talking to the bat as like he was flirting with a girl, but he saw her as like a person. This bat had got him through the good and the bad. And she's real to his eyes and heart.

Rubbing his temples, he turned to look out the window, he wished he had a drink after the incident with Rapey Davey. Just when he wants Mal to be side by side with him now went back from the start.

Too many thoughts bounced around his head, too many to focus on. Thousands of questions wanted to burst out. He wanted to go downstairs and scream them at Mal, shake her until she told him everything. He wanted to go back and tell her sweet lies, that she'd be alright and now one would ever hurt her again.

Fuckin' pussy, he chastised himself. Since when did you get so goddamn soppy? Just who the fuck was this kid to make him so soft? Couldn't he just yell to her? She had some history of being ordered and facing difficult barks. She can handle it, right?

He understood why Mal didn't want to talk, Christ, they hardly fucking knew each other. It had stung though, he wanted Mal to feel comfortable talking to him about everything. He had meant what he'd said, he would wait until she felt like she can trust him. He would do whatever it takes to convince Mal that she could trust him with anything. He hoped they were on their way there.

He then sees the tall rusted metal wall. Striding out to the gate, it opens to reveal Calvin there again all of a sudden, striding towards the gate, knowing better than to keep Negan waiting. He mentally notes on other Calvary Boys there as well, a few people living in there, however the boys were guarding and nothing more.

No son-of-disgusting-fuck-Claimers. Fuckin' strange. He's actually mad at Charlie's foreplay with bringing those sick people- no, sick monsters.

"Now that is the kind of welcome I like, Calvin," Negan said grandly, swaggering over the threshold. "You are learning."

The Saviors men followed after him, silent and obedient.

"You see this, boys," Negan says, looking Calvin up and down, Calvin who doesn't cower but smiles. "You see this eagerness. He's got my cock in his mouth before I even have to tell him to open up. That is dedication to the cause. I like that." He moves in closer to Calvin, lowering his voice. "I like that a lot."

His eyes flick away, spotting Max by the fence, and he scowls as Negan caught what he's looking at. The same boy stares back, refuses to shy away, even as he feels Negan's intense scrutiny burrowing under his skin. Max had this set of determination, and Negan wants to check it out, get to know more about Mal and her buddies. Negan's tongue flicks out over his lips before he finally turns his attention back to Calvin.

"Let me tell you how it's going to work today," he says. "My men are going to go through the shit you've put aside for me. And then they're going to go through all the rest of the shit you got in this place one more time, just to make sure you're not withholding anything from me. But I know you wouldn't do that. I know you wouldn't be that fucking dumb as to upset Ellie. You know how she gets, Calvin. She has a mighty temper."

"It's all there," Calvin assures him like a nervous schoolboy in front of the principal. "I made sure you got everything you were due last time. We have an understanding."

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