Chapter 38

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Everything seemed to happen much too fast. Vix felt like her own head was shattered. Her brain numb at the man at the other side of the fence. His broad shadow body waited, the teens were unaware of what to do, their feet were like glued to cement.

"Anyone home?" Said the deep voice.

Her brain finally snapped back to full awareness. Before Vix could do anything Lugh and Lalon started to walk over the gate, shoulder to shoulder. Lugh was shaky on his feet. Lalon passed Lugh and moved up the ladder while he waits, terror rising inch by inch as he stares at the man behind the wall.

The wall slides open and a second later Lugh looked up to see a cheeky grinning salt and pepper bearded man. He hangs a strong chain wired mending bat at the hand, laying on his shoulder.

"Thank you, such a considerate boy. You know your manners very well." He said.

"Uh-huh," breathed Lugh, pale and shaken. "Who are you?"

"Didn't you get the message. I thought I was a popular guy. I mean, c'mon. You must of heard of me." he said, shaking his head, slowly drawing himself towards Lugh, "Negan. Ellie." He shows the 'Ellie' bat.

He looks behind Negan where a crowd of his group stares back at him, three cars and a cargo truck that Lugh seen with what the Flyer Frontiers use to go into war and carry weapons.

Lugh steps back as Negan strides in.

"Hot diggity dog! Look at this place!" His face gleamed. "Yes, sir you are gonna have plenty to offer up in the next week." He chuckles.

Lalon and Vix catch up, still shock as Negan walks around, then glimpse at Vix who stop, arms crossing each other, and she glared at him, knowing that he has Mal. Sure, Vix and him met before in the pick of their group, him flirting however, she knows she smart enough to pass his devilish charm. Now she is afraid of him. She feels his overpowering dominance. She thinks he could be the devil himself with his rough handsome looks, the leather jacket and red scarf, and the dangerous Ellie bat.

"Now, I came here to take a few things, and meet the fucktard who runs this place. You'll listen to me, your stuff belongs to me from now on. Charlie Pink-Eye isn't your leader anymore. You follow me."

He goes over to Vix. "Right?" He sing-songs, taking one step closer to tower over her. She gulps, looking at him with a deep glare, and walks away from him.

Negan exhales sharply. "A lot of suspense there." He said close to Lugh's ear.

"Alright, let's get the show on the road. Let's see what goodies got shown on the cupboard here."

"Half our supplies are limited to the others according to-"

"No! No. You don't take orders from Charlie anymore or decide what we take. I do." Lugh looked down in submission.

"Rachael. Move out to the black market."

The woman calls them to move and they pass them all, Negan staying with the teens. Negan clapped his hands in a giddy way. "By next week, we will come back to this magnificent place and search throughout the whole place. The apartments, the sections, everything. For now, show me around and take me to Charlie."

The teens were puzzled. Question displayed in their minds, wondering where the Claimers and Glory's men went. If so, did Charlie left as well? So far, Lalon snarls and led Negan to where Charlie should be.

A few couple minutes passed, a beautiful sunset rising above the dark walls. The Saviors taken what Negan said a few things. A couple of coolers of canned drinks, can of tomato, beans, soups, and vegetables, bits of furniture, and melee weapons and guns. Lalon tried to find Charlie as Lugh and Vix were following Negan at the black market as lost kicked puppies.

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