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"Once. . .mankind accepted a simple truth, that they were not alone in this universe."

"Some worlds, man beloved to be home to their gods. Others, they knew to fear. From a Realm of cold and darkness, came the Frost Giants. Threatening to plunge the mortal world, into a new ice age. But humanity would not face this threat alone."

"Armies made up of the strong race of people called Asgardians drove the Frost Giants back into the heart of their own world. The cost was great. In the end, the Frost Giant king fell. And the source of their power was taken from them."

"With the last Great War ended, the Asgardians withdrew from the other worlds, and returned home, to the realm eternal. . ."


"And here, the Asgardians remain as the beacon of hope. Shining out across the stars. And though they have fallen into man's myths and legends, it was Asgard, and it's warriors, that brought peace to the universe."

Olivia "Liv" Foster looked at her father in wonder as he turned the book he was holding around so that she could see the drawing of Asgard. The nine year old reached out and her fingers brushed against the old paper and she breathed out, "Woah."

"Honey, you're not filling Olivia's head with that mythology nonsense again, are you?" Liv's mother asked as she walked into the room with Liv's seven year old sister, Jane. Liv watched her father smile sheepishly at her mother making her sigh. "At this rate our daughter will actually start to believe that those things are real."

"They're not?" Liv asked as she looked over at her father in disappointment. Her father reached over and lifted the girl's chin up and said, "Chin up, Liv. Just because people don't believe the same things as you doesn't make your beliefs any less real."

Liv smiled at her father and he ran a finger across her cheek before grabbing ahold of her. Liv let out a loud laugh as her father picked her up and placed her in his lap as he tickled her.

Liv's mother just rolled her eyes playfully and smiled at the sight before picking up Jane and saying, "Come on, Olivia. Time for bed." Liv frowned and her father's tickling came to a stop. "Just one more story, Momma. Please," the girl pleaded.

Mrs. Foster stared at her daughter's pleading face before sighing, "Fine, but just one." "Yay!" Liv exclaimed happily before snuggling into her father's embrace more while her mother walked away with Jane. She could feel her father shake slightly as he chuckled and she nudged him slightly as if to tell him to just open the book already.

"Okay, okay," Mr. Foster said before he opened the book back up. "Now, what should we read tonight?" Liv's eyes lit up. "Can you read the story about the two princes? Luki and Tor?" Liv asked making her father chuckle. "You mean Loki and Thor?" he asked and Liv eagerly nodded her head.

"But we read that story every night. Don't you want to-"


"Well, okay then."

Her father turned to the story Liv was talking about and the girl instantly sat up straighter once she saw the picture of Loki and Thor.

"As you know by now, Loki is an odd character to say the least. He's a master of manipulation and deceit. He can astral project himself, so no one ever knows if they are talking to the real him. And you always need to watch out for his silver-tongue," Liv's father said as he looked down at the girl.

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