The Avengers

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hey, guys! I am so happy to announce that my Avengers book is finally up! it will be a mash up of all of my MCU books and will include Liv Foster, Emily Thompson and Maya Stark!

the Emily Thompson book is called Emily Thompson and the beast and is a Bruce Banner fic.

the Maya Stark book is called Life as Maya Stark and is a Tony Stark fic.

I also have a Steve Rogers book called Captain's Girl. sadly the main character, Anne Lancaster, will not be featured in the Avengers book and everyone that has checked out that book will know why.

finally, the Avengers book is called The Avengers and the cover for it is picture below!

finally, the Avengers book is called The Avengers and the cover for it is picture below!

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thanks for sticking with me and I can't wait to show you more of Liv Foster's life!

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