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Liv didn't want to believe something bad had happened. Hell, she didn't want to even think about it. But as the storm that had once been churning above them came to a stop with a loud boom, she knew deep down that something was wrong.

But Liv tried to stay hopeful. She stood by the symbol with a smile on her face as she stared up at the sky. "Any minute now," she told her friends, but they all knew the truth.

Thor wasn't coming back.

Jane, Darcy, and Erik all exchanged looks before Darcy and Erik gestured towards Liv. Jane shook her head and took a step back. "She's your sister!" Darcy whisper-yelled at her and Jane sighed knowing Darcy was right. Liv was her sister. And as her sister, it was Jane's job to deliver the heartbreaking news that they all knew Liv didn't want to hear.

Jane made her way over to Liv and stopped next to her. "Liv?" Jane questioned and her heart almost broke at the sight of the hopeful look on the girl's face as she looked at her. "Yeah?" Liv asked with a smile.

Oh, how Jane wished she didn't have to be the cause of that smile to disappear.

"Thor," Jane started, but she found herself hesitating as the girl looked at her with wide eyes. "Yeah? What about him?" Liv asked. Jane bit her lip before saying, "Listen, Liv. I'm sorry, but I don't think he's coming back."

Liv's smile vanished.

"What?" Liv asked in a small voice. Jane sighed. "Liv," she whispered and went to reach out for her. Liv immediately pulled away. "No," Liv told her before looking back up at the sky.

"He promised," she said. "J-just give him one more minute. Maybe the bridge is receiving bad internet connection or something."

Jane bit her lip and put a hand on Liv's shoulder. Liv shook slightly as tears sprung into her eyes. She looked over at Jane, the sparkle gone from her eyes, and said, "He promised."

Jane didn't know what to say and watched as her sister closed her eyes and let tears fall. "He promised," she whispered again and Jane swore her heart broke. Liv didn't even open her eyes as she turned to Jane and hugged her.

Jane sighed and hugged her back as the girl cried out in pain. "I know," Jane whispered as she calmly stroked Liv's hair with her hand. Liv gripped onto her sister and let out a sob.

"He promised."

- - -

The days after everything with Thor passed in a blur and before they knew it, Liv was already packing up her things while Jane watched from the bed with sad eyes.

"I'm going to miss you," Jane finally said making Liv pause in her actions. Liv looked over at her and smiled softly. "I'll miss you too, but don't worry. I'll be back soon enough," Liv assured her before turning back to her suitcase.

Liv grabbed the last thing on her bed which was the jacket Thor had forced her to wear that one night they had gone to the plastic city. Liv stared at it for a second before putting it in her bag and quickly shutting the suitcase.

Jane watched her sister's actions and frowned at the sad expression on her face. It had been weeks since Thor had left and it was as though each passing day only made Liv sadder. She must've cared for him more than Jane had thought.

Liv finished zipping up her bag before turning to look at Jane. "Ready?" Jane asked. Liv sighed and picked up her suitcase with a small smile.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

- - -

The ride to the airport was silent and it wasn't until the four friends were standing outside the front doors to the airport that Darcy broke the silence with her crying. "Please, please, please, don't leave me. I don't know how I'll survive Jane and Erik without you!" Darcy exclaimed as she hugged the eldest Foster.

Liv chuckled softly, tears of her own filling her eyes as she hugged Darcy back. "I'm sorry, Darcy, but hey, I'll be back soon," Liv told her. "You better be," Darcy said before reluctantly pulling away from the girl.

Liv smiled at her one last time and then turned to Erik. "Erik," Liv said as she held her arms out. Erik smiled sadly at the girl and pulled her in for a hug. "Now you be careful out there in New York, okay? And please don't wait another year before you come out to visit us," Erik told her. "I won't," Liv assured him as they pulled away.

Finally there was Jane.

Liv glanced over at her sister who was already all red and teary-eyed. A few tears rolled down Liv's cheeks as she held her arms out for Jane. Jane rushed forward and hugged the girl with a sudden ferocity. "You going to be okay?" Liv asked making Jane chuckle.

"I'll be fine. What about you?" Jane asked. Liv hesitated for a moment before whispering, "I'll be fine." Jane pulled away and gave her a look before sighing. "Just. . .call me if you need anything, okay?" Jane told her. "I will," Liv said with a nod.

Jane smiled sadly at her. "Good," Jane said. "Bye, Jane," Liv whispered as more tears fell. "Bye, Liv," Jane whispered back and the two girls quickly stepped away from each other before they could break down again.

Liv looked over at her friends and gave them a small wave as they headed towards the van. "Bye, guys," Liv called out to them. "Bye," Erik called back while Darcy sobbed from the van. "They grow up so fast," Darcy said making Liv laugh softly.

Jane and Erik got into the van and Liv waved goodbye to them as they drove off and she continued to stand there waving until she couldn't see them anymore. "Bye," Liv whispered before looking down at the ground.

Liv sniffed and quickly wiped her tears away as she thought about everything that had happened over the past few weeks which meant she instantly thought of Thor.

She tensed up at the thought of him and she could still picture that adorable grin he had given her when he had made that deal with her that he would be coming back for her. A stray tear rolled down her cheek and she went to wipe it away when thunder sounded from above her and the sound of lightning crackling filled the air.

Liv froze and looked up confused since it had been sunny a moment before. Her eyes widened at the sight of the clear sky. "What the-?" she started to say, but the ground shook again as a loud clap of thunder boomed through the air.

Liv stared at the sky for a second before realization dawned on her. She then looked back down and at the airport doors except this time with a smile on her face.

And with that, Liv walked through the airport doors, thunder booming behind her, knowing that her adventure with a certain god was far from over.

Liv Foster will return in The Avengers

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