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"Oh, my God! I love you! I love you! I love you!" Darcy squealed as soon as she had walked into the building the next morning to see Liv holding her iPod. She immediately attacked the brunette with a big hug. Liv laughed and hugged Darcy back before handing her the iPod. "I couldn't let that thing rot away there. You said there were like thirty new songs," Liv told her friend with a wink. Darcy just smiled widely at her and took the iPod eagerly. Liv laughed after her.

She felt as though someone was looking at her and turned her head to see Thor looking at her with a smile on his face. Liv smiled back, but her smile faded when her phone started to ring.

Liv pulled her phone out from her pocket and frowned. She quickly answered the call and walked to the far corner of the room before talking. "I thought you told me to enjoy my vacation," Liv said in an irritated tone.

"Listen, Liv. I'm sorry. I really am. I just wanted to tell you that we picked up another disturbance much like the hammer one about fifteen miles from the town you're in," Coulson said.

"Another satellite crash?" Liv questioned and Thor looked over at her with a confused look on his face. She waved him off. "Not exactly. Something is different about this one. We're going to go check it out now, but give me a call if you hear or see anything," Coulson said.

"Got it," Liv told him. She then hung up before staring at her phone for a second in disbelief. If Thor came with the first disturbance, then the hammer with the second, what came with the third?

"Everything okay?" Thor asked as he came up beside Liv. Liv looked over at him and sighed. "I'm not sure," Liv admitted. She then lowered her voice so that no one else could hear and said, "Coulson just called and said there was another disturbance."

"Another one?" Thor asked. Liv nodded, "Yeah, but I have no idea what came with-"

Liv was cut off by a bunch of knocking at the glass door. Liv and Thor quickly turned around and Liv's eyes widened at the sight of four people dressed in what seemed to be armor waving at them, or more specifically Thor.

"Found you!" one for them exclaimed and Liv, Jane, Darcy, and Erik all turned to look at Thor who had a huge grin plastered on his face. Thor quickly walked over to the door as the four opened it and exclaimed, "My friends!"

Liv watched as they all hugged and Thor exclaimed, "This is good! This is good!" Darcy nudged Liv slightly and whispered, "Do you see the four cosplayers dressed up like they're from the Renaissance as well or is that just me?" "No, I see it too," Liv whispered back.

"I don't believe it!" Thor exclaimed happily as he continued hugging them. One of the men saw Liv, Jane, Darcy, and Erik and walked over to them with a smile, "Oh, excuse me. Lady Sif, and the warriors three."

Liv's mouth dropped open at that. There was no way that was Lady Sif and the warriors three, the same people Liv had grown up reading about. The four Asgardians waved at the others and Liv quickly composed herself before walking over and smiling at them.

"Lady Liv and the idiots three," Liv introduced her and her friends.

Jane, Darcy, and Erik gave her annoyed looks before Jane stepped out and said, "That's not our names. I'm Jane and this is Darcy and Erik." Jane then glared at Liv and said, "And this is my annoying sister, Liv."

Liv just shrugged and gave Jane a 'what can you do?' look. Jane rolled her eyes and Thor chuckled at the sisters before turning back to his friends.

"My friends, I have never been happier to see anyone," Thor told them. His smile them faded slightly. "But you should not have come."

His friends gave him weird looks before one of them said, "We're here to take you home!" Thor looked at them confused. "You know I can't go home," Thor told them. "My father is... dead because of me."

Liv froze at that and looked at Thor who was trying to hide his sadness. Was that what he was so upset about? Was that what that man had told him?

"I must remain in exile," Thor told them. The lady who Liv realized was Lady Sif gave Thor a confused look. "Thor... your father still lives," she said.

Before anyone could say anything else, a loud sound came from outside and the group quickly ran outside to see what was going on. Liv's eyebrows furrowed as she stared off into the distance where she could see a storm brewing. Something suddenly came out of the sky and hit the ground with a loud boom. The group was silent as they stared at the cloud of dust that was disappearing into the air.

"Was somebody else coming?" Darcy finally asked, but no one responded. "What was that?" Liv asked as she looked over at the Asgardians.

They all looked at each other in worry before they began to walk out into the street. Liv quickly followed after them and her eyes widened when she saw explosions out in the middle of the desert. She immediately thought of Coulson and Clint. "Please, be okay," Liv found herself muttering. "Please, be okay."

Thor heard the girl's muttering and turned to look at her. He grabbed her arms and Liv looked at him with wide eyes that held a hint of fright. "Liv, you have to leave," Thor told her. Liv looked at him like he was crazy and shoved his arms off of her. "And what are you gonna do?" Liv asked.

"I'm staying here," Thor said and Liv's eyes widened. "Oh, no you're not," Liv told him, but he ignored her. "Thor is gonna fight with us," one of the warriors said. Liv glared at him and he quickly avoided her gaze.

"My friends, I'm just a man. I'll only be in the way, or worse get one of you killed. But I can help get these people to safety," Thor told the Asgardians. Liv walked up next to Thor and said, "Well, if you're staying, then so am I."

"Liv," Thor sighed, but Liv shook her head and put her foot down. "I am not leaving," Liv told him in a dangerously low voice. Thor stared at her with wide eyes along with everyone else before he sighed in frustration and said, "Fine."

Liv smirked and turned to look at the warriors. "We'll need some time," she told them. "You'll have it," the blonde warrior assured her.

Liv smiled at him and Thor quickly grabbed her arm before dragging her towards the shops where they began to tell everyone to evacuate.

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