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If anyone asked people about Liv Foster, they would probably get a hundred million different responses.

Some included her creativity and the fact that she could think outside of the box. However, everyone knew that if someone put her right on the spot, it was as if those skills seemed to leave her because she would go blank and have no idea what to say or think of.

She could also be described as strict, but that was only because she loved what she did. Other than that, everyone knew that she was probably the sweetest and most caring person they had ever met. Liv always put others in front of her and tended to care more about everyone else's happiness than her own which could be a good thing and a bad thing.

Some call Liv pretty, adaptable, witty, and courageous. Others call her intuitive, passionate, resourceful, and adventurous.

But they all could agree that if anyone absolutely needed to know one thing about her that that would be that Liv Foster loved her job.

Liv enjoyed getting to come into work and be around her friends. She loved the meetings and the assignments and she absolutely loved when her job allowed her to travel all over the place.

Then again, who wouldn't love being an agent?

Yep, Agent Foster had a lot to love about her life, but if there was one thing Liv loved more than anything in the world, including her job, it was her sister Jane.

Liv adored Jane. The two had always been close while growing up, but they grew even closer as they got older. Even when Liv moved away to New York where she now spends her days working, the two still remained close if not closer. Liv talked to Jane pretty much every day and the two always longed for the few weeks that Liv used to go see Jane when she finally used the vacation days she saved up each year.

Lucky for them, it was that time of year again and Liv was just getting off of work and was about to head out to New Mexico to spend the next couple of weeks with her sister and their friends Darcy and Erik.

She was so excited in fact that she had only gotten three hours of sleep and had ended up getting to the airport two hours early. But it was all worth it when Liv finally stepped out of the airport to see the unfamiliar New Mexico scenery. Jane was studying something out here in New Mexico which meant Liv had had to come visit with her here instead of back at home, so Liv had no idea where everything was.

However, Liv smiled to herself and took in a deep breath before letting out a sigh of content. Her phone dinged and she grabbed her phone and checked to see that she had thirteen text messages, eleven of which were from her best friends Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, one that was from Darcy, and one that was from Jane.

Liv opened the group chat she had with Clint and Natasha and chuckled at their texts.

You sure you have to go to New Mexico, Liv? I've only been at work for ten minutes and Barton is already annoying the hell out of me.

Update. It's now been eleven minutes in and Barton is already climbing through the vents.

I am not climbing through the vents!

Really? Then why do I hear your phone going off in the vents above me?

. . .

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