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Doctor Erik Selvig glanced around nervously as he walked down an empty hallway that a man in a black suit had told him to go down. He didn't want to think about it, but after the silent ride over to the building he was currently in, he couldn't help but think that these people were planning to kill him.

"Doctor Selvig?" a voice asked as Erik rounded the corner. Erik stopped in his tracks and looked to his left to see a bald and muscular man dressed in all black with an eye patch over one of his eyes standing in front of a table with a metal case on top.

Erik looked at him for a minute before walking towards him. "So, you're the man behind all this? It's quite a labyrinth. I was thinking, they're taking me down here to kill me," Erik admitted with a laugh.

The man looked unamused.

Erik's smile disappeared and the man walked around the table before walking towards Erik. "I've been hearing about the New Mexico situation," the man said. "Your work has impressed a lot of people who are much smarter than I am."

"I have a lot to work with," Erik told him. "The Foster theory, a gate to another dimension. It's unprecedented. Isn't it?"

The man stared at him for a moment before turning around and walking towards the table. Erik took that as a sign to follow him and quickly stepped in line.

"Legend tells us one thing," the man began, "history another. But every now and then, we find something that belongs to both."

The man stopped at the table before opening up the metal case to reveal a glowing blue object. "What is it?" Erik asked. "Power, doctor," the man replied. "If we can figure out how to tap it, maybe unlimited power."

Erik looked up at the man with an unreadable expression. In the reflection of the glass case beside him, a man appeared. This new man looked at the object which would soon become known as the Tesseract and smirked.

"Well, I guess that's worth a look," Loki whispered. Erik looked at the glowing blue box before looking up at Fury, feeling compelled to say the same words that Loki was whispering into his ear.

"Well, I guess that's worth a look."

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