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Liv didn't know what to think as she watched Thor from the other side of the glass. He was just sitting there with a blank expression as if everything that had just happened was too much for him to process.

Which maybe it was.

After all, he did just find out that he couldn't lift the hammer up anymore and that the girl he felt something towards (what it was, he didn't know yet) was working with the very people trying to keep him away from his hammer.

Footsteps coming closer to her signaled her friend's arrival, but she couldn't find it in herself to take her eyes off of Thor. Clint looked at the brunette before looking back at Thor. He then gasped and he looked between the two again and then at Liv.

"Do you. . .care about him?" Clint asked. Liv tore her eyes away from Thor and looked at Clint in shock. "I-" Liv started to protest, but she found herself not being able to finish that sentence. Clint raised an eyebrow and smirked at her to which Liv clamped her mouth shut and looked away.

"I don't know," Liv finally muttered. Clint rolled his eyes. "Cut the crap, Liv, and just give me an answer. Do you care for him?" Clint asked again.

Liv's eyes flickered over to Thor's figure and she quickly looked away. She glanced at Clint and gave him a confused look. "Maybe? Yes? Kind of?" Liv rambled, not really sure what to say.

But that seemed to be enough because Clint just smirked and the two turned their attention back to Thor. "You always did pick the weird ones," Clint said.

Liv gasped and whacked Clint in the arm. "Will was not weird," Liv told him. Clint made a face and said, "He literally collected Barbie dolls as a hobby."

Liv's mouth fell open slightly and she quickly looked away. She had forgotten about that. "Okay, he was weird," Liv admitted. She then looked at Thor and muttered, "Thor's not weird. He's just . . ."

"Dreamy? Out of this world? The man of your dreams?" Clint asked as he pretended to swoon.

Liv looked over at him annoyed. "I was going to say different," Liv said. Clint just shrugged. "Mine was better." Liv rolled her eyes.

"Foster. Barton," a voice greeted. The two agents quickly spun around and stood up straighter at the sight of Coulson. "Phil," Liv greeted with a small smile.

Coulson nodded his head towards Thor. "Has he said anything yet?" Coulson asked. Liv shook her head. "Nothing yet, sir," Liv told him. Coulson frowned. "I guess I'll go talk to him myself. Foster, will you join me?" Coulson asked before he started to walk towards the door that led into the room Thor was in.

"Of course," Liv said with a fake smile before walking after him. She quickly turned her head and gave Clint a look that screamed for help, but Clint only smiled and waved goodbye to her.

Liv made a mental note to not stop Natasha the next time she was trying to kill Clint.

Coulson opened the door and the two walked into the room. Thor glanced up at them for a second, but as soon as his eyes locked with Liv's, he quickly looked away and at the ground.

Coulson walked over and stood in front of Thor, Liv coming to a stop beside him. "You made my men, some of the most highly trained professionals in the world, look like a bunch of minimum wage mall cops," Coulson said. "That's hurtful."

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