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"I know you said you were going to show me the rainbow bridge and I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this looks like a bunch of sand to me," Liv said as she looked around the area that Thor had dropped them off at.

Thor chuckled softly and shook his head. "We have to summon Heimdall first," Thor told her. Liv laughed with him, but their laughter fell short when a familiar van came to a stop next to them.

Darcy came out with a groan and pointed at Liv. "You know, you could've at least offered to let us fly via Thor airlines. Then it wouldn't have taken us fifteen minutes to get here!" Darcy yelled at her.

Liv chuckled and just shrugged. "Oops?" Liv said. Darcy rolled her eyes at her and proceeded to walk over to the girl and whack her once. "I hate you," Darcy grumbled, but Liv only smiled. "No, you don't," Liv said. Darcy frowned knowing that Liv was right. "No, I don't," Darcy muttered and Liv smiled victoriously.

Thor watched the two with an amused smile before he walked over to the same symbol that had been burned into the ground when he had first arrived. "Heimdall!" Thor called out. "Open the Bifrost!"

There was a moment of silence and Darcy leaned over to Liv and whispered, "Was something supposed to happen?" "Just wait," Liv hushed her. Thor stared up at the air in confusion and called out, "Heimdall."

There was still no response. "Heimdall," Thor called it again, but still, nothing happened. Thor furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and began to walk over to his friends and away from the circle.

"Well that was disappointing," Liv muttered earning a whack in the head from Jane.

"He doesn't answer," Thor told the Asgardians. "Then we're stranded," the blonde one said. "Heimdall!" Thor yelled again. "If you can hear me, we need you now!"

"Heimdall! We need you now!" Thor yelled. Liv looked up at the sky before looking back at Thor. "C-can I try?" Liv asked and Thor shrugged, not seeing a reason why she shouldn't be allowed to. He stepped aside and allowed for Liv to walk out.

She looked up at the sky and took a deep breath before yelling out, "Heimdall!" She hadn't expected for anything to happen so when the clouds suddenly began to swirl towards the ground in a swirling mess of glowing colors, Liv about had a stroke.

"She did it," Lady Sif muttered in amazement. Thor just stared at Liv who looked at the sky with a huge grin on her face. "Yes, she did," Thor whispered proudly.

Liv turned around and smirked at her friends who were all looking at her with wide eyes. "How?" Jane asked. "Magic," she told them. They immediately gave her blank expressions in response while Jane rolled her eyes.

Liv chuckled and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Thor start making his way towards her. She turned to look at him with a smile, but it quickly disappeared when she realized what was about to happen.

"No," Liv said as she held up a hand to stop Thor in his tracks. "Don't say it," she told him. Thor sighed and grabbed her hand before putting it down at her side and stepping closer to her. "I must go back to Asgard," Thor whispered and Liv instantly frowned.

"Do you have to?" Liv asked in the way that a child did when their mother told them they had to leave the playground. Thor smiled softly at the girl before wrapping his arms around her. Liv sighed and immediately hugged him back.

Olivia || Thor Odinson [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now