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Liv finally got back to the building about an hour past what she had told Jane after she had helped handle things at the place with Coulson and then had changed back into her normal clothes at the gas station. It took her a minute, but Liv was finally able to convince herself to walk in and when she did, she was immediately attacked by Jane.

"You liar!" Jane exclaimed as she hugged Liv tightly. "You said an hour. Well guess what, Liv? It's been almost three hours!" Liv chuckled softly and hugged her sister back, "Sorry, Jane. The meeting ran way longer than I intended, but it's over now, okay?"

"No more work?" Jane asked as she pulled away to look at Liv. Liv hesitated for a moment, but Jane didn't seem to notice. "No work," Liv told her with a smile.

Jane breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Liv. The two then started to walk to the main work area and Liv thought of Thor. "So is Thor awake now?" Liv asked. "He's-" Jane started, but the two went quiet as they walked into room where they could see Thor's reflection through a mirror that was positioned just right so that they could see Thor shirtless in the bathroom.

"-right there," Jane finished before her and Liv both looked over at Darcy. Darcy just fake gasped. "You two really think I would-" Darcy didn't even finish her sentence before she laughed. "Never mind. I can't even fake it. You're right. I totally did what you think I did."

Darcy then looked back over as Thor walked out shirtless. "You know, for a crazy, homeless person, he's pretty cut," Darcy muttered as she stared at him. Liv rolled her eyes, but found herself staring at Thor for a second longer than she should've.

"Hey, sorry I tased you!" Darcy yelled making Liv snap her eyes away from Thor. Thor didn't answer and instead started to grab some of Jane's things. Liv noticed Jane's eyes widen and she quickly walked over to Thor herself before Jane killed him.

"Hey, let's not-" Liv reached over and grabbed Thor's hands and stopped him from touching anything else. His eyes flickered over and locked with her own. Liv gulped and said, "Uh, let's not touch that, please."

She quickly brought her hands away and Thor put the stuff back down as he gave the girl a confused look. "That's my sister's stuff and she would probably blow a gasket if you broke something," Liv explained. Thor nodded and Liv coughed and tried to avoid his gaze since Thor was still standing in front of her with no shirt on.

Thor held up the shirt he had and asked, "What's this?" Liv looked up and frowned at the sight of a name tag that had belonged to Jane's ex-boyfriend, Donald Blake.

"That's Jane's ex's name tag. Sorry about that," Liv said as she quickly ripped it off before Jane could see it and remember the bad times of their relationship. "Good with patients and bad with relationships," Liv told Thor with a forced grin.

She crumbled up the name tag and quickly tossed it into the trash can across the room. She wasn't even fazed by the fact that it landed perfectly inside. Liv then seemed to notice that Jane and Darcy were both looking at her with shocked expressions and she just shrugged and said, "Lucky shot."

They both nodded and took that excuse and Liv sighed with relief, obviously not wanting to tell them about her archer friend who had given her pointers on how to always hit a target.

Liv turned back to Thor who was staring at the shirt. He glanced back up at her and she looked down at the shirt. "Uh. . .They're the only clothes I had that would fit you," Jane explained as she walked up. Thor glanced at her and muttered in an unamused voice, "They will suffice."

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