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Hitting someone with a van was the last thing Liv thought she would be doing on this vacation, but when the man sat up with a gasp and about scared the crap out of her was when she realized that having to convince someone not to sue her for hitting them was the last thing she thought she would be doing.

"Oh my God. Are you okay? Please don't sue me. It was all my sister's-" Liv fell quiet as the man locked eyes with her. Her mouth went dry and she stared at him in shock as she took a good look at him.

He was a handsome fellow. Liv immediately found herself admiring him which both confused and shocked her. She couldn't remember the last time she had ever found a man attractive, but as she stared at his long blonde hair, long eyelashes and finally bright blue eyes she knew she was screwed.

"Woah. Does he need CPR? Cause I totally know CPR," Darcy said, but her voice fell upon deaf ears as Liv and the man stared at each other.

Liv's mouth clamped open and shut, not knowing what to say as the man looked back at her with equal shock. Liv blinked and for a second she could've sworn that the man in front of her looked like that one picture from her Norse mythology book. But before she could try and think of who it was, she realized how stupid she sounded and quickly pushed it aside.

"Where did he come from?" Jane asked. The man broke eye contact with Liv and glanced at Jane before letting out a groan as he struggled to get up. He stumbled to his feet and Liv quickly stood up as well asking, "Are you alright?"

The man glanced at her for a second with soft eyes before he looked away and muttered in a gruff voice, "Hammer. Hammer."

"Yeah, we can tell you're hammered. That's pretty obvious," Darcy said. Liv gave her a look and hissed, "Not helping." Darcy just held up her hands in surrender before exclaiming, "Sorry! I can't exactly control what I'm saying at the moment since we just hit this gorgeous man with our van!" Liv rolled her eyes and glanced back over at the man who was currently looking around wildly.

"Oh, my God! Erik, Liv, look at this," Jane said. Liv glanced away from the man and quickly turned around to see what her sister was talking about. She walked over to Jane and that's when her eyes landed on a weird symbol that almost seemed to be burned into the ground.

It kind of looked like- No! She would not let these thoughts fill her head again. It had been years since she had even thought about that Norse mythology crap. She didn't need those bad times to resurface again.

"We've got to move quickly before this all changes," Jane said. Liv sighed and place a hand on Jane's shoulder. "Jane, we have to take him to the hospital," Liv said. Jane glanced at her before the two looked over at the man.

"Father!" he yelled up at the sky while Darcy gave him a look. "Hammered," Darcy muttered softly, but Liv still heard her and lightly nudged her in the side. "He's fine, look at him," Jane said, but the man decided to prove her wrong.

"Heimdall! I know you can hear me!" the man yelled up into the air. "Open the Bifrost!"

Heimdall? Bifrost?

Liv looked over at her sister and raised an eyebrow at her. Jane stared at the man before nodding softly, "Hospital. You go, I'll stay."

Liv stared at her in shock before hearing someone say, "You!" Liv quickly turned around and saw the man pointing at Darcy who whimpered slightly in fright as he stumbled towards her.

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