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After a minute with still no response from Thor, Liv let out a sob of defeat. She stared at him for a moment longer before looking over at the Destroyer which had began to walk away. Liv stared at the back of the robot in hatred before she turned back to Thor. She gently set him down and got up, wiping away her tears in the process and she began to walk towards the Destroyer.

"Hey, asshole!"

The Destroyer froze in its tracks before turning to look at the girl who was walking towards him, anger and sadness evident on her face. "How could you?! That was your brother!" Liv yelled knowing very well that she wasn't talking to the robot, but rather the person who was directing it.


Liv shook her head before looking back up at the robot and getting into a fight position. "Thor didn't die for nothing," Liv told him. "I will not go down without a fight."

The Destroyer tilted its head again before its face began to glow. Liv got ready and a look of determination was on her face. She started to run towards the robot, but both hers and the robot's actions were halted when a loud boom sounded from a little ways away.

Liv and the Destroyer looked at each other before turning to see where the sound had come from. They watched as something seemed to be flying into the sky and towards their general direction.

"What the?" Liv muttered before she heard Erik cry out to her. "Liv!" Erik yelled. Liv turned back to look at him, but she hadn't even looked at him for a second before she saw Thor's hand fly up out of the corner of her eye as he caught the same hammer that had been fifty miles away only a few minutes ago.

There was a giant blast of electricity as lightning struck the spot Thor was lying in and Liv had to use her hands to shield her eyes from how bright it was. When the light died down, Liv slowely took her hands down, her mouth dropping open in the process.


Thor was standing there with a smile on his face as he held his hammer happily in one hand. But it wasn't the fact that he was standing there alive with the hammer that made Liv look at him weird, it was the fact that he was wearing what seemed to be a whole suit of armor with a red cape flowing behind him.

It was like she was looking at her book again.

"Oh my God," Liv whispered out in disbelief as Thor walked over to her. He stopped next to her and gave her a small smile before nodding his head on Jane's direction. Liv took the hint and turned to look back at the Destroyer which had began to glow.

"I'm just gonna-" Liv started, but she never finished that sentence because she had turned around and ran away.

Jane chuckled as Liv ran up to her and Liv threw a glare in her direction. "Shut up. I don't see you going out there and trying to fight the Destroyer," Liv told her. "Yeah, that's because I actually think about what I'm doing before running towards danger," Jane said to which Liv just rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Thor.

She watched as Thor threw the hammer at the robot, instantly knocking him down as the hammer returned to Thor's hand. A storm started to brew above them and Thor quickly flew up into the air while the Destroyer attempted to hit him with its heat rays.

The wind started to pick up and it was only when Liv's feet moved slightly against her will that she turned towards her friends and the Asgardians and yelled, "Go!" They all nodded their heads and quickly made a run for the building at the end of the street.

They made it to the building and turned around just in time to see the Destroyer being picked up off of its feet and into the air. Liv's eyes caught sight of Thor for a second and she watched as he would swing his hammer around before using it to deflect each blast the robot threw at him.

As if he had gotten annoyed, Thor threw his hammer in front of him and began his descent towards the Destroyer which was blasting him as he got nearer. The hammer deflected the blast and Thor got close enough so he could hit the Destroyer in the face causing a huge explosion.

The Destroyer fell to the ground hard and the storm began to die down. As the storm died down, Thor walked through the dark clouds and towards the group that had began to walk out of the building and back towards Thor.

Liv found her feet carrying her faster than the others and she reached Thor in no time. Thor stopped in front of her and smiled. Liv shook her head in disbelief, not knowing what to say.

"It's real?" Liv finally squeaked out. Thor laughed. "Yes, it is real," Thor told her. Liv squealed in excitement before quickly clamping a hand over her mouth. She looked over at Jane with wide eyes and took her hand away to whisper to her, "It's real!"

Jane chuckled and rolled her eyes, muttering, "Nerd."

Liv turned back to Thor and he looked back at her in amusement. Liv gave him a smile and gestured towards his outfit. "So this is how you normally look?" She questioned. "More or less," he said. Liv smiled and looked him over once. She blushed slightly and looked back up at him. "It's a good look," she told him.

Thor chuckled softly and reached out to take Liv's hand in his own. He gave it a squeeze before turning towards his friends. "We must go to the Bifrost site. I would have a word with my brother," Thor told them.

"Excuse me!"

Liv groaned and banged her head in annoyance against Thor's broad chest making him chuckle.

"Donald," Coulson called out and Thor and Liv turned to look at him. "Donald?" Liv whispered and Thor waved her off. "I'll explain later," he said.

"I don't think you've been completely honest with me," Coulson told him. Thor let go of Liv's hand and walked over to Coulson. "Know this, son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward you can count me as your ally, if, you return the items you have taken from Jane," Thor said.

"Stolen!" Jane yelled out. Coulson looked at her and shrugged. "Borrowed," he corrected. Coulson's eyes flickered over to Liv who gave him a look. Coulson sighed and looked over at Jane, "Of course you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research."

Liv smiled softly and gave him a small nod to tell him that was the right thing to do. Coulson just subtly rolled his eyes at her.

"Would you like to see the bridge we spoke of?" Thor asked as he turned to look at Liv. Liv titled her head to the side slightly and said, "Uh... sure." Thor smiled and walked over to her before he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

Liv blushed slightly at the close contact and muttered, "Oh." Thor just chuckled and lifted his hammer up and began to swing it. He then tossed it up and Liv let out a scream as the two flew up into the air.

"This is awesome!" Liv yelled and she could faintly hear her sister's laughter as she flew away before Coulson's voice rang through the air.

"Wait! I need to debrief you!"

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