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"Okay, move it people!" Darcy yelled from the middle of the street. People were running out of buildings and hurriedly trying to run away from the center of the town as Thor, Liv, Darcy, Jane and Erik all told them to evacuate.

Thor and Liv were just running out of one of the restaurants hand-in-hand when Liv caught sight of something shining in the distance.

"Uh, Thor?" Liv asked as she tugged on his arm. Thor looked over at her and followed her gaze until his eyes landed on the giant metal robot coming towards them. "What is that?" Liv asked. "The Destroyer," Thor muttered. "The Destroyer? What kind of name is that?" Liv asked, but Thor just shook his head and started dragging her away from the robot.

"Come on, Liv," Thor said as he pulled her over to where Jane was currently hiding with Darcy and Erik. He let go of Liv's hand and handed her to Jane before starting to run off. Liv's eyes widened and she quickly grabbed onto Thor's arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"Please, don't go," Liv pleaded him her eyes wide with fright and concern. "Please." Thor stared at her for a second before sighing and giving her a small nod. He walked back over to her and stood in front of her while Liv still held onto his arm and watched from his side.

They all watched as Lady Sif and the warriors three walked down Main Street and towards the giant robot. Giant rays of heat were coming out of where its face should be and were destroying everything it walked by.

Lady Sif walked away and out of the robot's view just as it walked through a puff of smoke. There was another giant explosion before the red headed warrior ran towards the robot yelling, "For Asgard!"

Liv watched in both amazement and horror as the other two warriors grabbed ahold of the red head and threw him towards the robot. He went to attack the Destroyer, but the thing only whacked him away with his metal hand making the warrior go flying into a car.

The Destroyer started to walk towards the man and was about to blast him when Liv caught sight of Lady Sif jumping off of the building above them. Lady Sif landed on the robot and impaled him with her spear, the robot immediately falling limp.

Lady Sif smirked, but Liv noticed the small movement of the Destroyer's head. "Watch out!" Liv yelled. Lady Sif looked over at her in confusion before she realized that the robot was moving. Her eyes widened as the head spun around to face her.

Liv took a deep breath before turning to Thor. "Okay, so I know this is going to be like really hypocritical of me, but I'll be back," Liv said. Thor gave her a confused look and went to grab her, but it was too late. Liv had already somehow escaped her friends' grasps and was now running towards the robot that was about to attack Lady Sif.

Liv watched as Lady Sif struggled to get her spear out of the robot whose face had began to glow. Liv's eyes widened and with one more quick burst of strength, Liv lunged forward and pushed Lady Sif out of the way just as the Destroyer let out a blast that would've killed her.

The two fell hard on the ground and Liv groaned as she sat up. Lady Sif looked over at Liv with wide eyes before she gave Liv a small nod in thanks. Liv returned the nod and quickly stood up before helping Lady Sif up as well.

"I got this," Liv said to Lady Sif. "You get them out of here." "But," Lady Sif went to say. "Just do it," Liv told her. Lady Sif stared at her before nodding slightly and starting to run towards her friends.

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