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"You need to what?" Jane asked. Liv smiled softly at her. "I have a work thing I have to do and I need to head down to the diner and meet with someone," Liv told her. Jane sighed, "But this is supposed to be your vacation. Advertising can wait." Liv gave her a sad smile and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Jane. I really am. This will maybe take an hour at the most," Liv told her. Jane frowned, but nodded her head. "Okay, but after this, nothing else, okay? I just want to be able to spend some time with you without your work getting in the way," Jane explained.

"I know. I promise, no more work after this, okay?" Liv said. Jane nodded making Liv smile. She quickly hugged her sister before saying, "Thanks, Jane. You're the best."

Liv then walked over to the door and grabbed her purse and said, "I'll be back." "Okay. Be safe," Jane told her. At that moment, Darcy walked in and looked at Liv. "Wait, where is she going?" Darcy asked Jane. Jane only sighed and walked away. Darcy looked after her and frowned, "Was it something I said?"

Liv stood on the other side of the door and sighed as she took her hand away from the doorknob. She hated making her sister upset.

Liv stood there for a second before taking a deep breath and walking away from the building. She then walked into town and found a gas station. She quickly went inside and found the restroom. Once she had closed the door behind her, she made sure no one else was in there before she locked the door and grabbed her purse.

Liv then pulled out a suit that had the familiar S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on it. Liv smiled at the sight of it and quickly changed into it before folding her old clothes and sticking it into her purse. She then went ahead and put her hair back into a ponytail and she smiled at the sight of herself.

Her phone buzzed and she quickly grabbed it to see that Coulson had texted her to tell her he was out back. Liv replied to tell him she was coming before she grabbed her things and went to the bathroom door.

She unlocked it and stuck her head out to make sure no one was coming. When she realized the coast was clear, she quickly snuck out of the bathroom and made her way towards the exit which was only at the end of the back hallway.

Liv looked around one more time before she pushed the door open and walked out. She was immediately greeted by the sight of a black car. The window rolled down and she could see Coulson in the driver's seat. He gave her a smile.

"Agent Foster," Coulson greeted. Liv smiled at him as she walked towards the car and got in. "Hey, Phil. How's it going?" Liv asked as she sat down and put her feet up on the dash.

Coulson chuckled, "Good." His face then got serious as he pushed her legs off of the dashboard. "Get your feet off the dash. This is a rental."

Liv rolled her eyes, but did as he said. She tossed her purse into the back and turned to look at Coulson. "So what's this mission you were telling me about?" Liv asked as he started to drive away.

"There was a disturbance a few miles away from here. We got word of some sort of object stuck in the ground and Fury wanted us to go check it out," Coulson explained.

"He does know I'm supposed to be on vacation, right?" Liv asked. "Yeah, but since you were the closest one to me and he wanted this checked out pronto, he decided that you would be more than willing to help," Coulson said making Liv roll her eyes.

"Wow, he knows me so well," Liv muttered sarcastically making Coulson laugh. "Let's hurry this up, I told Jane this would take no more than an hour."

- - - 

Liv groaned as she leaned her head back against the seat. The 'few miles' Coulson has been talking about had been a lie. They passed a 'few miles' about forty miles back. "Are we almost there yet?" Liv asked. "No," Coulson told her. "How about now?" Liv asked. "No."



"How about now?"




Liv groaned. "I should've told Jane this was going to take ten hours because that's what it feels like so far," Liv told him.

Coulson laughed, "I'm just kidding, kid. We're here." Liv immediately perked up at that. "Really? You better not say no, Coulson, or so help me I will-" Liv was cut off by Coulson slamming on the breaks and her lurching forward and hitting her head on the side of the car.

Liv hissed in pain and rubbed the side of her head. "We're here," Coulson said. "You did that on purpose!" Liv exclaimed. Coulson just shrugged. "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. The world may never know," Coulson said. Liv narrowed her eyes at him, "You little-"

Coulson cut her off again by getting out of the car and slamming the door shut behind him. Liv glared at him and made a mental note to get revenge.

Liv pulled out her phone and sighed when she realized it was three o'clock. She had left Jane's house over an hour ago. Liv stuffed her phone back into her pocket with a sigh and looked over at Coulson who was currently standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down.

She saw him smile slightly and she knew he had found what they were looking for. Liv opened the passenger side door and quickly stepped out. She left one foot still in the car while the other one was on the ground and rested an arm against the door as she looked over at Coulson.

The hot New Mexico air blew against her making all the small hairs that she had desperately been trying to smooth down pop up again. She groaned inwardly and licked her lips to prevent them from drying.

Coulson turned around and he gave Liv a nod. Liv smiled and got all the way out of the car and closed the door behind her before walking over to the cliff. She could see a giant crater in the ground that was surrounded by trucks and people. She watched as a man attached his truck to something by a chain before he tried driving forward. The back half of the truck immediately ripped off and she winced at the sight.

She still couldn't see what they were looking for and it wasn't until Coulson was pointing at something that she caught sight of it. Her mouth went dry and her eyes widened at the sight of a shiny hammer sticking out of the ground.

She thought of Thor for a second, but quickly shook her head. There's no way.

Coulson was looking at her so she smiled a fake smile and quickly reached into her pocket before pulling out her phone.

She dialed Fury's number and then held the phone up to her ear as she waited for him to answer. "Agent Foster. I sure hope you're calling to give me good news," Fury said from the other side of the phone.

Her grin grew a little as she actually smiled at the sound of her boss's voice. It had been a while since she had seen him due to him being out on some big mission that he had told her was declassified even for her. He had only mentioned something about needing things to keep him warm and that had been the end of that conversation.

Liv glanced at Coulson before saying to Fury, "Sir, we've found it."

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