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Liv and Thor ran down the hallway and passed a bunch of men who were climbing up a ladder to try and reach the same floor they were on. "Go!" Liv yelled and the two ran faster.

"I need eyes up high. With a gun," Liv heard Coulson say. Liv slowed down and muttered, "Crap." Thor quickly stopped and turned to look at her, "What is it, Liv? Are you okay?" "I'm fine. We need to go," Liv said as she shoved away Thor's concern.

Thor nodded his head and the two ran until they came to a ladder which they started to climb down. Three men ran at them and Thor quickly grabbed ahold of the banisters before lifting his legs up and kicking the three back.

Liv grabbed ahold of Thor's shoulders and jumped over him and the three guards and ran forward to the guards that were currently running down the hall at them. The guards slowed down at the sight of Liv, but when they saw that she wasn't stopping, they quickly held up their guns.

Liv only laughed.

The first guard held his gun up at her and she quickly grabbed his arm before swiftly removing the gun from his hand. She then proceeded to keep her grip on his arm before kneeing him in the stomach. The man bent down and groaned in pain giving her the opportunity to knee him in the face and knock him to the ground.

A guard came up from behind Liv and grabbed ahold of her, but she only grabbed him and tossed him over her head making him hit the ground with a groan. She then grabbed ahold of the metal bars on the ceiling before lifting herself up like Thor had done on the ladder and she kicked one of the guards out of the "building".

Liv quickly jumped down and turned to Thor who had finished beating up those three guys. Thor looked at her with concern. She gave him a small nod to say she was okay before tilting her head to the left. Thor took the hint and he ran towards her before they both started running down the left corridor.

"Barton. Talk to me."

"There seems to be two of them?" Liv heard Barton say and she winced slightly.

"Do you want me to slow them down, sir? Or are you sending in more guys for them to beat up?"

"I'll let you know."

Liv and Thor turned a corner and smiled when they caught sight of the hammer. They started to run forward when an arm shot out and knocked the two down. Liv groaned and glanced up before muttering softly so no one could hear her, "Come on, Frank."

The man, Frank, smiled at the two and his eyes hesitated on Liv before he looked at Thor. Thor just smirked and chuckled. "You're big. Fought bigger," Thor said before lunging up at Frank.

Liv started to jump up to help when she heard a confused, "Liv?"

Liv froze in her footsteps and watched as Thor and the man tumbled outside into the rain before she put a hand on her earpiece so she could talk. "Hey, Clint," Liv said.

"Is that Agent Foster?" Coulson asked. Liv sighed. "Phil," she greeted. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Liv?" Clint asked. Liv just chuckled awkwardly before taking in a sharp breath. "Enjoying vacation?" She offered.

She didn't have to see Clint to know that he was rolling her eyes.

"Seriously, Liv. What's going on?" Clint asked. Liv sighed. "This guy says his name is Thor and is convinced that that hammer is his," Liv explained. "Thor?" Clint questioned. "Like the same Thor from Norse mythology?"

"I guess," Liv said as she looked out to see Thor finish beating Frank up. She winced and made a mental note to send Frank a card to apologize, but where could she find a card that said 'Sorry my blonde haired friend who thinks he is a god beat you up. Here's a cookie'?

"Got to go," Liv said quickly as Thor walked in. "What? Liv!" Clint said, but Liv ignored him.

Thor walked in drenched and stopped in front of Liv. "Thanks for the help," Thor said sarcastically. "What? You said you've fought bigger!" Liv exclaimed. Thor went to object, but just sighed and waved her off. "Doesn't matter. We're here," Thor told her before he began to walk towards the big open area that contained the hammer.

Liv stood back and watched as Thor climbed down a ladder and began to walk towards the hammer. Liv inhaled sharply. If this worked, then that would mean-


She didn't want to admit it.

"You better call it Coulson, cause I'm starting to root for this guy," Liv heard Clint say. There was no response and Liv watched as Thor walked over to the hammer and stopped in front of it. "Last chance, sir!"

She could hear the faint sound of Clint pulling his arrow back, ready to release. Liv winced slightly and closed her eyes, afraid that she was about to see her new friend receive an arrow to the shoulder.

"No, wait!" Coulson said and Liv let out a sigh of relief. "I wanna see this."

Liv opened her eyes hesitantly before they locked on Thor's figure. She watched as he smiled and reached for the hammer. His hands wrapped around the handle and Liv inhaled. This was it. This was the moment that would change her world forever. This was the moment that would finally tell her once and for all of what she was thinking was true. Thor smiled wider and then tugged on the hammer.

It didn't move.

Liv could see the confusion on Thor's face as he pulled on the hammer again. It still didn't move and Liv sighed and put her face in her hands. Thor continued to tug on the hammer and he got more frustrated with each pull until he finally fell to the ground in despair.

Liv looked up and watched as Thor cried out, "Why?!" She felt her heart ache at the sight.

Liv frowned and started to walk out. She pulled the jacket closer to her body as the rain began to fall on her. She then walked over to Thor and she started to reach out, ready to comfort him, when-

"Alright, show's over. Ground units, move in."

Liv's eyes widened and she pulled back. "What? No!" Liv exclaimed and Thor looked back at her in confusion until his eyes landed on the guards that were all making their way towards them.

Thor sighed and slumped further on the ground, defeated. Two guards walked over to him and pulled his arms behind him before helping lift him up. They then turned him around and he felt himself freeze at the sight of Liv just standing there while agents and soldiers ran past her.

Thor gave her a confused look and was about to question her when Coulson walked up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Good work, Agent Foster," Coulson said making Thor's face comfort in pain.

"What?" Thor asked and Liv looked over at him sadly. He stared at her for a second before asking softly, "Liv?"

Liv sighed and looked down at the ground. Thor flinched in pain and quickly took his eyes off of the girl, not being able to stand looking at her.

Liv didn't have the heart to look up as they dragged Thor away and it wasn't until she was the last one standing in the rain that she finally looked up. Her eyes landed on the hammer and she frowned at the sight. She hesitantly walked forward to it and brought her hand out, her fingers lightly touching the edge of the handle.

"Liv, you okay?"

Liv let her hand fall back to her side and she sighed before bringing her hand up to her earpiece. "Yeah, I'm fine," she whispered back, but both her and Clint knew that was a lie.

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