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"Hey! That's my stuff!" Jane yelled startling Liv and causing her to almost trip on her own feet. Liv quickly steadied herself and looked up to see vehicles with a familiar logo on them driving away with some of Jane's stuff.

Liv's mouth dropped open and she internally groaned. He wouldn't.

Jane yelled after the car before stomping over to the building which they could see people coming in and out of. Jane's face scrunched up in anger and she quickly ran inside, Liv, Darcy, and Erik following right after her.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jane asked as she walked in. Some men were moving her stuff around, but one turned around and walked over to the group.

"Ms. Foster, I'm Agent Coulson, with S.H.I.E.L.D.," Coulson said. His eyes flickered over to Liv before he quickly looked away. "Is that suppose to mean something to me?" Jane asked angrily.

"You can't do this!" Jane exclaimed as she walked over to the van and attempted to stop a guy from moving her things. Erik ran over to her and pulled her away. "Jane. Jane. This is a lot more serious than you realize," Erik told her. "Let it go."

"Let it go? This is my life!" Jane yelled before glaring at Coulson. "We're here investigating a security threat," Coulson explained. "We need to appropriate your records, and all your atmospheric data."

"By "appropriate" you mean "steal"?" Jane spat. Coulson didn't even flinch and reached into his pocket before handing Jane a check. "Here. This should more than compensate you for your trouble," Coulson told her before turning to walk away.

"I can't just buy replacements at RadioShack! I made most of this equipment myself!" Jane told him. "Then I'm sure you can do it again," Coulson replied. Liv rolled her eyes at that and gave Coulson an irritated look which he pretended not to see.

"And I'm sure I can sue you, for violating my constitutional rights!" Jane exclaimed. "I'm sorry, Ms. Foster. But we're the good guys," Coulson told her and glanced at Liv. Liv sighed and looked away.

"So are we! I'm on the verge of understanding something extraordinary. And everything I know about this phenomenon, is either in this lab, or in this book, and you can't just take this with..." Jane started as she held up her book, but a man quickly walked up and took it from her before throwing it into the van.

"Hey! You can at least let her keep her book!" Liv exclaimed. Coulson glanced at her and gave her a look. Liv huffed in frustration and bit her lip as she stared at the ground. She knew this was their job, but that doesn't mean she agreed with it.

Jane stared at the van before lunging forward and trying to grab her book. Three agents came out of nowhere and went to stop her, but Liv just looked at them and they backed off. Liv walked over to her sister and pulled her away from the van. Jane struggled against her and Liv tightened her grip before successfully dragging her away.

"Jane! Easy! Easy!" Liv told her. Jane shook her grip off and looked at Liv in disbelief and a hint of anger before turning back to Coulson. The men finished packing up all of Jane's things and closed the doors to the van.

They watched as Coulson walked over to the passenger side of the van. He started to get in, but paused and looked back at them. Coulson then smiled and said, "Thank you for your cooperation."

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