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Liv let out a sigh as she looked back at Jane who was messing around with her equipment. They had been at the place where the aurora was supposed to be for the past hour and nothing had happened. The sun had set long ago and Jane continued to tell them that it would happen any minute now.

Darcy had fallen asleep about twenty "only a few more minutes" ago while Liv was on the verge of sleep herself. Liv made eye contact with Erik who only gave her a tired smile and a small roll of his eyes which made her laugh softly.

Jane stopped her tinkering and looked down at her sister. "You two can stop making fun of me," Jane said jokingly. "We're not making fun of you," Liv assured her. "We're just a little concerned that we came all the way out here for nothing."

"I know this is taking longer than expected, but I promise you this isn't for nothing. The aurora is going to happen," Jane said sternly as she went back to her machine. "Only a few more minutes now."

Liv sighed at that and watched as Jane pressed a few buttons. Jane then looked over at Liv and asked, "Can you turn off the headlights?" Liv sat up in the driver's seat and turned off the lights. "Now press that button," Jane directed as she pointed at a button to Liv's left. Liv presses the button and her head instantly shot up once she heard a loud sound coming from the top of the van.

Liv watched in amazement as the whole top of the van opened up. "Wow. You've really gone all out haven't you?" Liv asked. Jane blushed and shrugged, "This is my work. I love it just as much as you love your advertising job."

Yeah, so Jane had no clue what Liv actually does.

Jane thinks Liv works for some big advertising corporation up in New York. Why she actually believed Liv when they both knew she had never shown interest in advertising? No one knows, but if it was able to keep Jane off her trail then Liv wasn't going to be the one to question it.

Liv smiled softly and avoided eye contact. "I do love my job," Liv said. Just not the job you think, she thought.

Jane picked up a device that she had described to Liv as an magnetometer before she stood on top of the seats to help lift herself halfway out of the van. Erik stood up with her while Liv lightly nudged Darcy awake. Darcy groaned and opened her eyes, "Is it over? Did I miss it?" "You didn't miss anything," Liv told her. "Can you guys be quiet down there?" Jane asked. Liv and Darcy looked at each other before rolling their eyes, but both went quiet.

A few minutes of silence passed by before Erik glanced over at Jane. "Wait for it," Jane said as she continued to stare up at the sky. "Can I turn on the radio?" Darcy asked as she reached for the radio. Liv chuckled softly and nudged her. "No," Jane said and Darcy huffed as she sat back down in her seat.

"Jane, you can't keep doing this," Erik said making Liv sit up in her seat. She looked over at Darcy and questioned, "Keep doing this?" Darcy gave her a weak smile and Liv sighed as she sat back in her seat.

"The last seventeen occurrences, had been predictable - to the second," Jane rambled. "Seventeen!" Liv exclaimed, but Jane ignored her. "Jane... You're an astrophysicist not some storm chaser," Erik said.

"I'm telling you, there's a connection, between these atmosphere disturbances and my research. Erik, I... I wouldn't have asked you to fly out here, if I wasn't absolutely sure," Jane told him.

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