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"Why are you helping me?"

After the long silence, Thor had finally managed to break the silence with a question that Liv didn't fully know the answer to herself. "I-" Liv hesitated and tapped her fingers against the wheel of the van as she tried to form an answer. Why this was so difficult for her? She had no idea, but even if she did, she wouldn't want to admit it.

"Jane," Liv stated simply. Thor's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Jane?" Thor questioned. Liv sighed. "Yeah, Jane. After you left, we went back to find that all of Jane's stuff had been taken. I guess I wanted to help because you're the last bit of evidence Jane has from that night," Liv said as she glanced over at Thor before looking back to the road.

"I wanted to help my sister," Liv told him. There was a moment of silence before Thor just said, "Oh." Liv looked at him in confusion. "Oh?" She questioned.

Thor just ignored her and smiled. "You're brave for doing this," Thor told her. Liv was taken aback and turned her attention back to the road. "Why is that?" Liv asked. Thor shrugged, "You just seem like you've never done this before and it's brave and admirable of you to do this for your sister."

Oh, if only he knew, Liv thought to herself as she pictured all of the missions she had been on.

"Jane is very lucky to have you as her sister," Thor said. Liv smiled at that. "If anything, I'm lucky to have her. We may fight and argue, but in the end, she keeps me in check, you know?" Liv asked. Thor smiled fondly as if he was thinking of someone. "I know," Thor said.

Liv glanced over at him before asking, "Do you have a sibling?" "Yes, I do," Thor answered. Liv sat there for a second before deciding to voice her thoughts. "Loki?" She asked. Thor nodded and gave her a peculiar look. "Yes. How did you know?" Thor asked.

"I guessed?" Liv said in a questioning voice, hoping Thor wouldn't question her.

However, Thor just nodded and looked out the window. "I see. Loki is a common name after all," Thor pointed out and it took all of Liv's willpower not to laugh.

Thor looked over at the girl and smiled. "You are very clever, you know. Far more clever than anyone else on this realm," he said. Liv blushed slightly as she laughed. Thor gave her a perplexed look. "What? It's true," Thor told her, but Liv waved him off.

"It's not that. Just the word realm," Liv said. Thor gave her an amused smile. "You think me strange?" Thor asked. Liv shook her head slightly and glanced over at Thor. "Not strange," Liv assured him. "Just different."

"Good different, or bad different?" Thor asked. Liv took her eyes off of the road and looked over at Thor. She stared at him for a moment and he kept eye contact with her as she tilted her head. "I'm not quite sure yet," Liv admitted.

Thor just smiled at her and she went to smile back when her hand slipped and the wheel turned to the left. Liv's eyes widened and she quickly turned back to the road and turned the steering wheel until the van was back on track.

Thor laughed beside her, but Liv ignored him. "I'm sorry. I should've kept my eyes on the road," Liv admitted. Thor continued to laugh and Liv found herself smiling as she whacked him playfully.

"But who are you?" Liv finally asked as Thor's laughter quieted down. Thor looked over at her and she glanced at him before looking back at the road and asking, "Really?"

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