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"What the hell, Liv! What the hell!" Jane yelled as soon as Liv had walked into the small caravan that the two lived in. Jane ran over to the girl and smacked her on the arm over and over.

Liv held the journal and iPod up in defense and said, "I'm sorry, but I come baring gifts!" Jane whacked her one more time before her eyes landed on the journal. Jane squealed and took the journal before hugging Liv and saying, "I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Liv gave the girl a look and muttered, "Bipolar much?" "I will smack you again," Jane threatened as she pulled away from the girl. Her eyes landed on Darcy's iPod and she smiled. "Is that-?" Jane questioned.

"Darcy's iPod?" Liv asked before nodding. "Yep." "No wonder Darcy says you're her favorite Foster," Jane muttered as Liv tossed the iPod onto the counter.

Liv smirked and took Thor's jacket off before turning to look at Jane who was looking at her funny. "What?" Liv asked. "I was going to question about the jacket because I'm pretty sure you don't own one like that, but I'd rather know what you've been up to," Jane said.

Liv froze before giving her sister an innocent smile. "I was at the library," Liv told her. "I checked the library and you weren't there," Jane said.

Liv's smile faltered. Jane gave her a look and was about to say something when there was a knock on the door of the caravan. The two's eyes widened and they quickly rushed over to door and Jane pushed it open. Liv couldn't help but smile at the sight of Thor, but her smile faltered when she saw that he was carrying a drunk Erik on his back.

"Oh, my God! Is he okay?" Jane asked as Thor walked into the caravan. "He's fine," Thor assured the two as Erik let out a groan. Liv raised her eyebrow at him and Thor glanced at Erik before looking at Liv and saying, "He's not injured at all."

Liv rolled her eyes while her and asked, "What happened?" "We drank. We fought. He made his ancestors proud," Thor told her.

Now it was Jane's turn to roll her eyes as she pointed at the bed. "Put him on the bed. I can handle him after that," Jane said. Thor did as Jane said and placed Erik down. Erik looked at Thor and muttered, "Oh, I still don't think you're the God of Thunder. But you ought to be."

Liv shook her head at that and Jane hushed Erik before rushing around trying to find things to make him better which ended up pushing Liv and Thor into the kitchen. The two stood there awkwardly before Thor looked around and asked, "Are these your chambers?"

"It's a temporary living situation. I'm actually visiting my sister right now. I live in New York," Liv told him. She watched as Thor's eyes scanned the caravan and she tensed up at the sight of all of the trash and dishes lying around.

"I'm sorry," Liv said as she quickly reached past him and started tossing things into the trash. She grabbed a dirty bowl and, without thinking, put it into a random cupboard. "We don't usually have guests," Liv told him.

"We never have guests," Jane muttered from the other side of the caravan. Thor chuckled softly and Liv blushed before realizing what she just did. Liv quickly turned around and took the dirty bowl out of the cupboard and put it into the sink. "Sorry, that doesn't go there," Liv muttered.

She turned back around and looked at Thor who stared back at her in amusement. A long silence fell between them until Thor broke it. "So about this whole S.H.I.E.L.D. thing-" Thor started. Liv's eyes widened and she quickly brought her hand up and covered Thor's mouth. He looked at her with wide eyes while Liv glanced over at Jane. She sighed in relief when she realized that Jane hadn't heard a thing.

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