CHAPTER TWO - A Lot Of New Things (EDITED)

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The weekend passed in a blur, I unpacked, got settled in, learnt about Katrina and Cameron and it turns out they cant have kids because she's infertile so they made the decision to adopt a teenager as they didn't wanna deal with a moody toddler...little do they know a teenage girl is 100 times worse.

My alarm blares waking me up suddenly and I groan, turning to face my digital alarm clock I had brought with me from England. I sit up and push a button on it, silencing that goddamn beeping!

After standing  up on the freezing cold oak flooring, I shuffle into my bathroom. Turning on the shower, I happily stand under the scolding water and immerse myself in my thoughts.

What if I get picked on? I don't do well with confrontations from new people! What if I stand out because of what I'm wearing?

Time to go spend forever on picking an outfit out.

I finish washing my hair, face and body before stepping out with a record time of a 10 minute shower!

That's good considering I'm super lazy and I daydream...


Most of the time....


...All the time.

Spending 30 minutes on deciding what to wear is not a good thing when you have to be at school in the next hour. So I finally decided on something plain. A cream jumper which hangs off of one shoulder and tight black jeans with brown boots.

I hope this doesn't attract attention!

It's ok everything will be fine.


Your not helping!

I plucked up the courage and walked downstairs into the blinding kitchen to be met by Katrina making toast.

"Hi" I said whilst taking a seat at the brown dining table. The only thing thats not white in this room.

"Hello hun, would you like some toast before we head out?"

"Yes please" I interlocked my fingers together on my lap and looked around the kitchen in the awkward silence.

"Honey don't be so formal, I know I'm not your mother and I would never try to replace her but you need to be comfortable with me, argue with me, break the rules, do what teenagers do! It will help me know your happy here" She smiled at me over her shoulder.

Well that was out of the blue. I guess I haven't really acted like a normal teenager, but was she really expecting me to do that? After just 2 days of being here!? No I'm not gonna do that, I barely know her and yet she wants me to argue, rebel and do other stuff just to make her feel at peace?! 'Fuck no!'

But I couldn't say that because it wouldn't help my point so I just went with a simple "I'll try"

"Good girl. Here" She placed the slightly burnt piece of toast in front of me and walked out of the room towards the stairs. Probably to get dressed, because she was in just a robe.

After eating my toast, drying my hair, straightening my hair then curling the ends I looked in the full length mirror at myself.

My chestnut hair was down to my waist and was shining under the light, my legs were long and thin with small size 4 UK feet. My arms were covered by the jumper which I was grateful for because it was freezing! I thought America was always supposed to be warm?

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