CHAPTER FOUR - Goddamn Hormones

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Mystery P.O.V

I opened the door and was instantly met by stares throughout the hallway.

What can I say...I have that effect on people

Conceited much Drake?

Shut it!

I walked down the hallway and looked around at the boys, who dropped their heads in respect and the girls, who smiled and winked at me when I just laughed at their attempt of trying to get in my bed.

The girls in this school are whores.

You got that right.

"Scarlett look out!" I turned around to just see Mckayla surrounded by people, shouting at a girl running right towards me who hasn't seen me, and before I could move out the way she ran right into my chest.

"Oww!" She held her nose as she staggered backwards and I folded my arms and parted my legs slightly as a sign of dominance.

She held out her hand and looked at it "Yes! No blood" I raised an eyebrow as she looked up at what she had just run into.

"Fiddlesticks..." she whispered but it was easy to hear. She looked in my eyes and I dropped my arms to the side.

Dude, she looks really familiar!

I know...and why do I feel all warm and gooey inside, it's freaking me out!

"Er...sorry" She dropped her gaze and walked past me before running down the hall again.

Well that was weird

You got that right...


"I was lost, now I'm found, I'm sustained by the sound of the angels singing me to sleep, while my feet are leaving the ground, am I dead? Or am I dreaming instead? A cornucopia of opiates have flooded my head..."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered the phone.


"Son, I know you've just gone back to school but there's another issue you need to get here...Now!"

"What is it this time?"

"I cant tell you...not over the phone. I'll explain it all when you get here but everyone's panicking"

I groaned "Fine. I'm coming"

I hung up the phone and took of towards the front doors. What the hell could be wrong now!?


"What the hell is wrong now?" I shouted as soon as a walked through the front door of the pack house.

"Son" I turned left, to see my dad standing by a door "In here" He walked through the door and I followed, closing the door after me.

"Anyone wanna tell me what's going on?"

"I will" I looked as my best friend Blade stood up and continued "Remember that legend we heard when we were pups? About how one day there will be the very first pure white wolf all over with amber eyes, and they will be the strongest wolf to ever live, and if their mate is already an Alpha they will have the strongest wolf pack ever, and their pups will be stronger than an adult male even when their only babies" I nodded "well that's why everyone's panicking, because the rival pack are claiming they've found that wolf and she is mates with their Alpha" I growled and clenched my teeth

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