CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - 1 - 0 to me!

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Scarlett's P.O.V

I woke with a groan and my head throbbed with pain. I opened my eyes slowly to see i was in a small dark room sitting on a chair in the centre. My arms were tied behind me with chains (Thankfully not silver) and i felt completely weak.

The door in the far corner of the room opened and in walked baldy. He looked at me and smirked

"I see your finally awake" He said in a smug tone

I don't reply i just sit there with an emotionless face and stare him in the eye.

"So would you like to know why your here?" He asks as he stands in front of me

Once again he's met by silence

"Answer me!" He booms


He growls and punches me in the face so hard i hear a crack. Fuck! It's like being hit with a rock! He'a about to do it again but is cut of by a booming voice


The bald guy (who i'm guessing is the Beta) gulps and i chuckle slightly. He snaps his hard -no longer humour filled- eyes to mine and growls

The door opens and in walks a blonde guy with brown eyes. Standing at about 5'11 with a muscly build.

What is it with me always being around hot guys?!

"S-Sorry A-Alpha Cody" He stammers and i laugh again.

This Cody dude's eyes move to mine and i hold eye contact and smirk. I know that's considered disrespectful but it's too hard to resist! He glares at me but that just makes me chuckle and let him win his petty game.

"So your good ol' Donovan's mate then?" Cody asks smugly

"I don't know, am I?" I retort

"Yes, i can smell him all over you" He says through gritted teeth

"Then why did you ask?" I wink at him playfully

He stalks towards me and slaps me across the face. I chuckle again and he looks confused.

"Why are you laughing?" Beta Baldy asks me. Creative isn't it?

"You know that Donovan can feel my pain and locate where it is, right?" I say smirking

They look horrified and storm out of the room leaving me alone. I wonder...

'Donovan?' I call him through our mate link

'SCARLETT!?' He yells back

'Don't yell! You make my brain blow up!' I yell back

'Where are you!? I can feel your pain!' He asks frantically

'...Alpha Cody took me' I say reluctantly

It's silent for a minute before his booming voice came through the mate link


'He got his Beta to drug me and then take me to him...' I say as i realise how i really should have just stayed in the damn house!

'I'm coming for you!' Is all he said before he cut off the mate link.

I hope you are Donovan...I hope you are.


Very, VERY short episode but it was just a filler and my friend was bugging me to get it out before Saturday soooo yeah!

The rest will be longer!! I guarantee it!





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