CHAPTER FIFTEEN - Awesomest Night Ever...

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(A/N - I've noticed it's a little confusing when the characters are talking to their 'wolfs' and when their 'mind-linking ' so i'm going to lay that part out a little more clearly

P.S. Slight Mature Content at the end so....P.G 13)


Scarlett's P.O.V

She did not just punch me! That's it i'm gonna rip her throat out!

An audible gasp echoed around the clearing as i stumbled back a few steps to regain my balance. The she-wolf who had punched me looked positively pleased with herself if that smug grin is anything to go by.

"Stay away from Donovan!" She screamed at me

"Seriously? You punched me because you want me to stay away from Donovan?" I ask calmly whilst walking forward to stand directly in front of her again

"Yes, he's too good for you. He deserves someone like me" She winks at Donovan who's eyes are flashing vibrant blue.

'What's going on with his eyes?' I ask Isra

'He's trying to control his wolf, so his eyes keep flashing different colours' She answered

'Why does he need to control his wolf?' I ask confused

'It's in his Drake's natural instinct to protect us and this she-wolf hit us so he's trying to help' She explained

'Who's Drake?'

'That's his wolf's name' Ohhh...

I chuckle and place a hand on her shoulder in fake comfort "Honey if he deserves someone like you then why did fate pick me to be with him?"

She shrugged my hand off and scowled at me "Maybe fate messed up"

"I doubt it. I don't know who would want you, you look like a cheap prostitute"

A chuckle rose from the crowd and the she-wolf turned beet red before turning on her heel and stomping away. I shook my head and laughed "That was eventful" i mumbled to myself.

I walked back over to Mckayla and faked wiping sweat off my forehead causing her to laugh at me.

"That was a weird turn of events" She told me

"You can say that again" I mumbled

"Nice way to handle it though. Just basically call her a prostitute" She snickered

"Shut up, can we go?" I ask her as we walk towards the front garden.

"Sure wanna go to the mall" She offers

"Come on girls let's gooo!" 2 masculine voices squeal from behind us.

We spin on our heels to find Donovan and Blade standing with their hands on their hips and grins on their faces

"Why did we have to get weird mates?" I mumble to Mckayla but Blade and Don must have heard it because their grins brighten.

"I don't know but their weirdness goes with our weirdness" she laughs

"I don't wanna go to the mall but you can come to my house?" I ask Mckayla when we turn back round and walk towards her car

"I'm not keen on your parents" She tells me. Neither am I...

"Their not home. Their gone until Wednesday. Something to do with their line of work"

"Oh! We can watch scary movies!" She squeals

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