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Scarlett's P.O.V

Monday rolled around quicker than expected and it was time to initiate 'Flirt with Donovan to see if he will be faithful and find out if he can be trusted, as well as his pack'...long title i know, but it's a work in progress.

I have so many ideas of what could go wrong with this plan! Like...

- I loose concentration and accidentally stop masking my scent


- The plan backfires and I realise I can't trust Donovan

I'm hoping the plan works because just masking my scent in the mall drained my energy so much i had to sleep as soon as i got home. Isra says it's because i'm not used to doing it yet, but if i can barely do it for an hour how am i going to do it for half a day!?

I've decided to wear my least revealing clothing that Mckayla bought for me so it's not such a drastic change straight away. But the least revealing clothing is still pretty revealing if you ask me. It consists of a pure white dress that reaches just above my knee, with a v-neck showing a small amount of cleveage, and black studded 3 inch heels...and that's the least revealing! Imagine how bad the other stuff is!

I look over at my alarm clock after i have finished getting ready and realise it's 8:35am. I run downstairs and grab an apple from the kitchen just as i hear a horn from outside.

"Bye guys!" I shout as i run outside and to Mckayla's car. After my change of wardrobe we decided it would be easier for Mckayla to take both of us to school so we could discuss tactics and have more 'girl time' as Mckayla calls it.

I open the passenger door and throw my purse in before getting in and shutting the door after me.

"Hey" I smile at Mckayla as she starts the car again

"Hey, you look hot!" Mckayla says whilst looking at my outfit

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" And she doesn't, she's wearing a tight blue tanktop and denim shorts with black combat boots

"Yeah, i decided i wasn't going to let you suffer alone" She says as she starts the 15 minute drive to school

"How considerate of you" I say with a hand on my heart

"I try" She says with a smirk

The rest of the drive is spent in silence apart from small talk to get to know each other more. Soon after we arrive at school and the nerves settle in the pit of my stomach.

"Ok Scar, you've gotta mask your scent now" Mckayla says as she pulls into a parking space and turns off the engine

"I don't know if i can keep it up for the whole time we're at school"

"You've got this! Remember your the most powerful werewolf that will ever exist!" She turns to face me and takes my hands

"Can you stop bringing that up, your boosting Isra's ego even more" I say exasperated

"Sorry but it's true"

Told you Scarlett!

Oh great! I liked it better when you didn't talk to me and were just hiding inside my brain

Love you too!


I masked my scent so i smelt the same as what i did at the mall.

"Did it work? I asked Mckayla

She sniffed the air then said "Yeah you smell like honey again, yum"

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