CHAPTER ELEVEN - Undercover Werewolf!

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Scarlett's P.O.V

"No! There's no way i'm doing this!"

"Come on Scar pleaaase?"

I'm currently sitting in Mckayla's room after returning from the woods. She refused to tell me the plan until she had me trapped inside her house, where I couldn't escape until I agreed. So for the past 15 minutes she has been trying to convince me to go along with the most embarrassing thing ever which is to make me look irresistible and flirt with Donovan as much as possible to see if he will cheat on his mate...with...his mate?

God, this is so confusing!

"No! And that's final"

She groaned "But if you do this then you will be able to see if he's worthy of your trust"

"But won't he be able to realise i'm his mate from my smell?"

"Shit, I didn't think of that" She said whilst pacing back and forth

And she's the one who's been a werewolf her whole life...



You can mask your scent, so you smell like a human

That's so cool! I can be like an undercover werewolf!


If there's something strange, and it smells like a wolf. Who you gonna call? UNDERCOVER WEREWOLF!

Oh dear...

"Scar! Are you even listening to me?"

I came back to reality to see Mckayla standing infront of me with her hands on her hips, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Uh...sorry, I was talking to Isra"

"Oh" she put her hands back to her sides "Well what did she say?"

"She said I can mask my scent so I smell like a human"






I whimpered and covered my ears with the palm of my hands. Mckayla winced and looked at me apologetically.

"Crap sorry, I forgot you've got werewolf hearing now"

I moved my hands away from my ears and smiled slightly "It's ok, i'm still getting used to it myself"

"So...You gonna do it or what?"

I groaned "Do I have a choice?"


"Then yes, i'll do it....but no heels!"


Donovan's P.O.V

"Dude, cheer up!"

I groaned and rolled over on my bed so my face was buried in the pillow to hide the annoyed face of Vixen.

"Come on. Instead of moaning and groaning all day, why don't you actually go out and try to find her" Blade suggested with emphasis on 'try' suggesting i've done nothing to help my situation...which I haven't.

I propped myself up onto my elbows and glared at Vixen and Blade "And where exactly do you suggest we look? She could be anywhere! If she rejected me she could be miles away by now, to avoid running into me again"

Vixen sighed "It's worth a try, lets start somewhere about..." He trailed off, looking at the ceiling (something he always does when he's thinking).

Blade butted in "How about the mall?"



We've just arrived at the mall and Vixen and Blade had to literally drag me here, because I kept refusing.

It's not like she's just gonna pop up out of nowhere


I mean what did they expect? For Isra to just be in the most obvious of places where I can easily smell her?


I'll never forget her smell though...Lilac and's a weird combination I know, but she makes it work



Take a whiff...


I took a deep breath in through my nose and instantly i'm met with that mouthwatering scent of lilac and strawberry. Hell yeah! She's here!

"Guys" They turned to face me "Shes here, I can smell her"

"Yes!" They highfived each other

Blade said "Let's go find our Luna!"

"Lead the way Alpha" Vixen grinned at me

I smirked "Gladly"


Scarlett's P.O.V

"Mckaaaaylaa! My legs are deaaaad!"

"We've only been shopping for 3 hours, man up!"

I've gotta say...when Mckayla suggested to go shopping for my 'irresistible clothes' I had no idea what she really meant was. 'Lets go buy extremely revealing clothing until our legs fall off'.

I'm seriously doubting her sanity right now...

"Mckayla, i've already got enough new clothes to fill a submarine! I don't need anymore"

"Ugh fine!"

I caught up to her and started to drag her towards the exit

Finally! We're free!

"See! Even Irsa shares my hatred of shopping!"

"Oh shut it" Mckayla told me whilst rolling her eyes

I see the exit! We're going to make it out alive!

Uh oh




I spun round with Mckayla to see Blade running towards us with Vixen and Donovan trailing behind him

Oh pumpernickel...


It's short, I know, but I haven't posted for ages...sorry about that i've been having a bit of writers block but its all good now.

Anyway i've completely cancelled 'Never Lose Faith' because I have a short attention span and I just wanted to focus on one story at a time, and this one won.

I might continue it after this story is completed, it depends on how many people want me to, because if people don't care if I cancel it completely or not then i'm not gonna continue with it...

So yeah, sorry again for lack of activity but I will start to post more often now! Woo!


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