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Right now I am sat in the head teachers office beside a dumb ass blonde who doesn't know when to shut her trap.

Wondering how I got here?

Let me enlighten you...

30 minutes ago

Juliet and I walked into Gym class and I saw all the girls stare at us. The dumb blonde from this morning was sitting with the other 2 girls against the Gym wall and was staring at me intently. Juliet pulled me along and we ignored her.

At least until she shouted this at me.

"Hey posh tart! I didn't realise you had any friends in this school! Then again, freaks have to stick together don't they?!"

I clenched my fists not realising I was already walking towards her until I stopped right in front of her.

"I may be new, and I may be smaller than you but goddamn it that doesn't mean I won't kick your ass right here! You can say all you want about me, I don't give a shit. But if you ever say anything bad about my best friend again I swear to god I will kill you!" I have no idea where this anger is coming from I'm not usually a violent person.

She didn't back down, instead she decided to follow in her own footstep and slap me again.

What is with this bitch slapping us?!

I swear I'm not a violent person but something inside me made me want to growl at this bitch. However, I couldn't do that so instead, I lunged at her. She squealed as my fist made contact with her face

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE!?" I cringed as the Gym teacher came rushing over and pulled me off of the blonde.

"She attacked me" I saw Blondie pointing at me as she 'sobbed' into her hands.

The teacher turns to me and his grey eyes narrow at me "And who are you?"

"I'm Scarlett Hunter"

His brown, bushy eyebrows raise and disappear underneath his light brown hair "The new girl?!"

I clear my throat awkwardly "Yes sir"

"I see, and why did you attack her?"

"She slapped me in English and then she called me a freak just now"

The blonde scowls at me "You lying bitch! I did no-"

"Enough!" The teacher says to her.

She stops talking instantly and lowers her head

"Both of you to the principal's office right now!"

I frown. The whatnow's office? He notices my frown and rolls his eyes.

"The erm...head teacher?"

"Oh! Ok"

He smiles slightly before schooling his expression "Right, off you go"

"Yes sir" We both mumbled at him.

I gave Mckayla a hug before leaving to go to the head teacher. Once in his office he sentenced us both to a 1 hour detention after school today to write out a 200 word essay on what we did wrong. So once that was over we walked back to Gym class in silence and continued with the lesson as planned.

After changing I said bye to Mckayla and texted Katrina telling her I had to stop for an hour, to have a word with some of my teachers. She simply said she would pick me up at 4.

And that's how I got here. Sitting in the head teacher's office writing an essay about what I did wrong and how I could prevent it in the future.

"How is it coming along girls?" The head teacher who is called Mr Riley asked us.

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