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Donovan's P.O.V

*-**4 months later**-*

The next 4 months were uneventful other than Scarlett finally being officially initiated into the White Moon pack and announcing she was pregnant, which sent the whole pack into instant uproar and celebration. The baby is due any day now and Scarlett is getting more and more nervous while i'm excited to be a dad. We both graduated high school 2 months ago, luckily we hid the fact Scarlett was pregnant by dressing her in oversized clothes. Also it turns out that Scarlett's adoptive parents knew all about werewolves and somehow knew that Scarlett was the white wolf as soon as they adopted her. They say she radiated power even before she shifted, and once they gained knowledge she was my mate they let her live with me. Not that they could have forced her not to when she's 18...

Everyone in the pack loves her, she's a natural Luna. The pups especially love her the most and it fills me with so much pride the was she acts around children that aren't even hers, it convinces me even more that she will be a good mother to our own pups

She had her good mood swings where she became lovable, cheerful, happy and just downright joyful...and then there were the bad mood swings, she became irritable, aggressive and reserved, that was when Isra thought her baby was in danger or if someone said something she didn't like.

Today is one of the cheerful days, we're in the middle of a pack celebration for Blade and Mckayla -who have just announced that they are now having a pup together. Scarlett and Mckayla are obviously bonding over the joys of pregnancy...

"I swear I pee 50 times a day"

The joys of pregancy everyone...

All the mothers and elders of our pack are cooing over Scarlett and Mckayla and are giving them advice on werewolf babies, not that they need it, i'm sure they'll be naturals at motherhood.

2 hours later and the celebration comes to an end. Everyone goes to bed or border patrol and it's just me, Scarlett, Blade and Mckayla left outside for the time being. We are cleaning up slightly so there isn't much to do in the morning. I instructed Mckayla and Scarlett to sit on a bench near me and Blade so we could watch over them and be assured of their safety


Scarlett's P.O.V

As me and Mckayla sat waiting for Blade and Donovan to join us we talked about our babies that we hope will become great friends once their both born.

"I'm excited to see the gender" I tell Mckayla as I shift position slightly to try and cease a newfound pain in my lower stomach

"I wonder if our babies will be mates!" Mckayla exclaims, obviously not noticing my discomfort

"That would be so cute, especially if they were best friends growing up!" I try to sound enthusiastic to force myself to forget the pain. Probably baby just adjusting his position. I think

"How come you don't know the gender yet?" Mckayla asks me as she turns to face me fully

"We wanted a surprise" I wince slightly as the pain starts again but worse

"You ok?" Mckayla asks, now noticing my pain

"Baby's just moving around a lot lately" I answer though clenched teeth.

I block my mind from Donovan so he can't stress over nothing like he did the last time something like this happened. I was getting a glass of water from the kitchen 1 month ago and started to feel dizzy, so I dropped the glass and it smashed on the floor. Donovan came running in panicking and rambling about nonsence

"What is it?! Is it the baby? What's happening? Are you okay? Shall I call the pack doctor? I should probably call the pack doctor...Stay there-NO! Don't stay there! Move away from the glass and sit down...Wait! But what if it's labour?...I don't want you to sit on the baby's head...Is that even possible? I wouldn't know i'm not trained in the art of childbirth..."

And then he started going on about childbirth and completely forgot about the glass...

"Are you ok?"

I snapped back to reality to Mckayla staring intently at my face. I gave a small smile that quickly turned into a look of horror once I felt wetness between my legs. Oh shit, that's not good...

"...My water just broke" I whisper barely audibly to Mckayla, whos face then shows excitement and anxiousness.


Mckayla yells to Donovan, who swiftly forgets everything he's doing and runs over to me with Blade in tow.

"I feel like i've pissed myself" I say to Mckayla before they get here who laughs in return

I laugh to but stop when another wave of pain washes over me, more intense than the other times but still bearable. Once the boys arrive they look at us in confusion and I roll my eyes

"Let me give you a clue-" I wince slightly "Your about to officially become a father" I tell Donovan

He looks confused before taking in my hands on my stomach and the pool of amniotic fluid on my shorts and legs. His look quickly turns into horror and panic -if the situation were different I would have laughed at his deer-caught-in-headlights look, but the pain is quickly becoming unbearable. He calls for Josh -the pack doctor- to ready the delivery room before scooping me up in his arms and rushing me straight there. I obviously curse his very existence the whole way there, for getting me in this situation. He just tries to help me calm down and control my breathing

As soon as we reach the delivery room, everything is set up ready and waiting for my baby to arrive. The pack doctor is here along with 2 of the elders to assist him if anything were to go wrong. Donovan places me on the bed and my shorts and underwear are soon discarded. It feels awkward being half naked in front of Josh and the elders but the pain is too much of a nuisance for me to care right now.

Josh soon looks to see if I am fully dilated yet, sadly I am and the pushing has to begin. The epain is excruciating, it's worse than my first shift and it lasts longer as well. I opted against any form of pain relief just because I was worried it could affect my baby.

I was kind of hoping the pain would be over as soon as I heard that little cry of my baby but the pain got worse.

"It's a baby girl" Josh said as he placed her on my chest. I forgot the pain for a minute so I could hold my baby.

"Serenity" I whispered to her and she stirred slightly before opening her bright greyish blue eyes at me. I smiled brightly and kissed her forehead softly whilst tears starting springing in my eyes at the beautiful baby in my arms.

One of the elders took her to get cleaned up as Donovan kissed my forehead.

"Somethings wrong" I heard Josh say, which instantly brought me down from my all time high and reminded me of the pain.

I cried out as it worsened considerably. Donovan started to look paniced and scared which i'd never seen before. The doctor was working on something I couldn't really see because I was looking right at Donovan as he started to tear up. I pulled him close and placed a small lingering kiss to his lips before pulling back and whispering 'I love you' to him.

He shook his head and kissed me again "No I'm not loosing you, please" He whispered as the tears started falling down his face. My big, strong Alpha was crying and it was ripping my heart into 2.

"Take care of Serenity" I whispered quietly before closing my eyes as the darkness started to pull me in rapidly.


Only 2 more chapters and the Epilogue left!! My friend is gonna kill me for the ending on this chapter

If I never post another chapter it's because i'm lying dead in a ditch somewhere with my best friend hovering over me laughing maniacally...





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