CHAPTER FOURTEEN - The Truth Is Revealed!

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Scarlett's P.O.V

The rest of the week went by quickly without a hitch except when i thought Donovan wasn't at school one day so i didn't bother masking my scent but then he walked into the lunch hall and started sniffing the air and i had to run out of the fire exit and mask my scent along the way. Luckily he didn't follow me. Isra is really started to trust him now and she's getting extremely close to her decision.

I'ts now been a week and 2 days after my first shift -but i haven't been able to get away from Cameron and Kristina to be able to shift so Isra's getting restless- and it's the end of school on monday.

"You mind coming with me to the pack house for a moment?" Mckayla asked me whilst pulling out of the school parking lot

"Sure, but won't you get in trouble?"

"Nah i just need to have a talk with Blade and Donovan"

"About what?" I said whilst taking my sunglasses off

"I'm gonna ask them if they are still looking for you or if they listened to Isra"

"Depending on what they say will help Isra a lot with the concept of trust"

"What's the correct answer?" She asked while pulling up by a huge metal gate

"I can't tell you that" I wink at her

"Damn...i tried" I laugh at her

The gate opens and Mckayla drives up a circular driveway leading to a huge brown mansion. It's surrounded by a bunch of werewolves near the front door and is in the middle of nothing but forest. It has at least 4 floors and i can see werewolves training at the side.

"Ok act cool until we get to the Alpha and Beta" Mckayla tells me

"Who's the Beta and what is a Beta?"

"The Beta is Blade and he's the second in command. If Donovan has to go somewhere he takes over the pack until he gets back"

"Ohhh" I get it now

We get out of the car and walk towards the front door. I look around and notice everyone is staring at us.

'No their looking at you not Mckayla'

'What!? Why?'

'Because your supposed to be a human and your at a pack house'

'Oh yeah'

I follow Mckayla to the front door but the werewolves are blocking our way and they aren't moving.

"Can you move please?" Mckayla asks politely

The one on the left looks around the age of 42 with short black hair and a few greys. He is about 6'3 and has a lot of muscle. The one on the right is about the same height but he is around the age of 23 and has short blonde hair with less muscle. I'm gonna call the old one oldie and the young one blondie.

"Nope" Oldie replies

"Why not? I have a right to go in there" Mckayla stomps her foot like a 5 year old

"Not with her you don't" Blondie points at me. How rude!

I step forwards and stand right infront of them, looking them in the eye (which is kinda difficult because their so tall).

"We have to speak to Blade and Donovan, so can you move" I say

"Nah" Blondie says with a smirk

"You see, that wasn't a question, that was me telling you to move"

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