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Donovan's P.O.V

I winced as another wave of pain hit me. I keep wondering where the hell is this pain coming from? It's not mine because i'm lying in bed trying to sleep. Its seems further away from me...but the only one i know who could be in pain for me to feel it was-


Shit, shit, shit! What happened to her!? I'm gonna kill whoever is hurting her right now!

I jumped put of bed and ran downstairs after calling Blade, Vixen, Axel, and Mckayla for a meeting, urgently.

I ran straight into the Meeting room and found everyone already there looking concerned

"What happened?" Mckayla asks hurriedly

"Scarlett's in pain, someone's hurting her. I can feel it" I explain quickly

They all look horrified and Mckayla looks like she's about to cry so Blade pulls her into a tight embrace.

"What do we do?" Vixen asks

"It's simple, i'll pinpoint where her pain is and we can fo-"

'Donovan?' Scarlett asks through our mate link

'SCARLETT!?' I yell panicked

'Don't yell! You'll make my brain blow up!' She yells back

'Where are you!? I can feel your pain!' I ask frantically

'...Alpha Cody took me' She says reluctantly

The rival Alpha took my mate!? I don't care if he was the one who persuaded me to become Alpha, he's dead to me. And sooner rather than later he will actually be dead.

'WHAT!?!' I boomed

'He got his Beta to drug me and then take me to him...' She says quietly

'I'm coming for you!' Is all i say before i cut off the mate link and start throwing around orders to find Scarlett before the night ends.

I will find her, even if i have to kill the whole of Cody's pack!


Scarlett's P.O.V

I'm really starting to regret telling Cody and Beta Baldy that when your in pain your mate can feel it, and pinpoint it. I was hoping they would be dumb and just panic rather than act on it...

I was obviously wrong when the next time i woke up i was somewhere completely different. If anything, this location is worse then the last one. It smells like piss and old man stink. Gross!

I can hear Isra constantly whining, panicking and mumbling something in my head.

'What's wrong?' I ask her

'I don't know how to tell you! If it were any other time i would tell you in a heartbeat but with the situation we're in, i don't know if i should' She responds quickly

'Just tell me please!' I beg, she's been really rattled lately and she's worrying me

'Are you sure?'

'Yes! Tell me' I respond, losing my patience

'I don't kn-'

'ISRA!' I boom

'We're pregnant...' She says quietly

'What!?' I yell and place a hand gently on my stomach.

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