CHAPTER NINE - Are They Lesbians?

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Scarlett's P.O.V

After Donovan finished stroking my fur, he looked at his watch and moved backwards, away from me. I was puzzled as the others did the same and they all spread out. I looked over at Mckayla and tilted my head to the side. She sensed my confusion and explained what they were doing.

"We're shifting soon and we need to get ready"

I looked at her for a while before turning to Donovan.

"Don't worry, it's ok. We have to shift on a full moon night, it's against our will"


I yawned loudly and showed them my canines which they jumped back at the sight of.

"Damn she's got some huge teeth" Axel said and I growled at him.

They all laughed at him and Vixen said "I don't think she likes it when you talk about her teeth"

I lay down on the floor and placed my head down, waiting for them to shift.

Suddenly they all fell on their hands and knees and started yelling and whimpering, I shot back up and looked at all of them as their bones began to pop and crack, and their limbs began to elongate.

A few seconds later they were fully transformed with fur all over them.

Mckayla's wolf was Light grey with black paws and a black tip tail, her eyes were still electric blue and she had white ears and a white snout.

Axel's wolf was Dark brown all over with a black snout and a few white spots on his back. His eyes changed to a grey colour

Vixen's wolf looked exactly like Axel's but Vixen had white paws as well, and his eye colour stayed chocolate brown.

Blade's wolf is the same colour of his hair, which is a light brown colour with a tint of blonde under the moonlight. His eyes turned hazel rather than his natural dark blue.

Donovans wolf was Pitch black, completely contrasting my pure white form. His electric blue eyes stood out amidst his dark fur and his snout was slightly grey towards the end. His wolf was larger than the others and he was also slightly larger than me.

I told you Alpha wolves are the only wolves larger than us

Wait. Donovan's an Alpha!?

Yes, he's also going to be the most powerful, once you 2 mate

I thought we already are mates

You are but you have to complete the mating process which is in 3 steps. First, he kisses you. Then he bites your neck, thus marking you as his. And finally you have sex, which makes you his.

So then I belong to him!?

Yes, but he also belongs to you

Do I have to do this!?

No, you could reject him, but that will only bring me pain and his wolf pain by not being together. But if you accept him and then change your mind, that will cause you and him physical pain.

Ok, so can I tell him who I really am?

No! Not yet, you need to fully trust him first because he might want you for your power also.

But I thought he was my mate?

Not all mates are good, but I have a feeling he is.

After they shifted they all stood up slowly and bowed their heads to me before straightening up again. Mckayla tried to walk towards me again but Blade cut her off and growled at her.

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