CHAPTER SEVEN - You Were Screaming So Loud You Almost Burst My Eardrums

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Donovan's P.O.V

"Alpha!" I turned around to see Vixen running towards me

"What is it?" He stopped before me and stood up straight before lowering his head

"Are you going to that pack members party?"



I wasn't even aware there was a party tonight...

"Yeah, i'll meet you there. What pack member is it?"


"Oh alright" I ran back towards the pack house and into my room to get changed into dark navy jeans and a white shirt. I fastened all the buttons except for the top 3.

Gotta give the ladies something to drool over *wiggles eyebrows*

I have a weird wolf...

I arrived at the party 20 minutes later and went to go find Axel, Vixen and Blade. I found Axel making out with a girl before I dragged him off of her and we went to go find Vixen and Blade. They were both sat on the sofa with a girl on each of their laps.

"Vixen. Blade" I said in an authoritative voice causing them to immediately stop making out with the girls and come to stand by me. I smirked at how the girls were approaching me and smiling seductively.

It's so funny that they think they have a chance!

I know right!

I laughed out loud before putting my attention back to the girls

"Sorry girls, im not into easy whores"

They gasped before slapping me and walking off. I just chuckled at their feeble attempt of trying to hurt me. I turned to my best friends and noticed Axel was missing.

"Where's Axel?"

They didn't say anything. Instead they just pointed towards the front door, when I turned I saw Axel walking towards 2 girls who just walked in. I moved closer to identify the girls and I saw one of them was Mckayla, the lowest ranking member of my pack and the other was...Scarlett!? She turned to face me and we locked eyes again but for longer this time. My insides were filled with lions at the sight of those beautiful amber eyes.

I knew you liked her!

No this is more than liking, this is more powerful...

You think she's your...?

She can't be, she's a human!

There's a chance she could know that.

I refuse to think like that!

Axel stood in front of her blocking her view from me. I clenched my fists at the interruption.

"Shall we go see if we can get lucky Alpha?" Blade asked me whilst wiggling his eyebrows suggestively

"Yeah, why not"

"Yes!" Vixen and Blade yelled in unison and I just laughed...


Scarlett's P.O.V

"Hey Scarlett" I looked up at Axel and smiled


"So" He stepped closer towards me, causing my throat to feel dry.

He's bad news! I don't think he just wants to be friends tonight Scarlett!

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