CHAPTER TEN - Egotistical Wolf

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Donovan's P.O.V

I can't believe she just ran away from me! I introduced her to my pack! I presented her as Luna! She said she accepted me!

And then she goes and runs off, just like that!

I was just about to shift and chase her when Blade held me back

"She needs to think, she's too powerful to trust us that easily"

"But i'm her mate! She should be able to trust me!"

"Calm down, you know not all mates are good!"

"So now we're both gonna be in extreme pain until she makes her mind up!"

"Just give her time, maybe Mckayla can talk some sense into her"

I turned around to see Mckayla nowhere in sight. She must have gone after her? Are you asking or inferring? Very funny.

Mckayla where are you? - Me

I went after Sc-Isra - Mckayla

Can you try to talk some sense into her? Loverboy's freaking out here - Blade

Am not! - Me

Wow you sound like a 6 year old! - Vixen

Ok! I'll talk to her! For you babe - Mckayla

Blade and Mckayla sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i -Axel

If you say anymore I will rip your throat out! - Mckayla and Blade

Awww! Isn't that cute! They said it at the same time! - Vixen

I looked over at Blade and saw him blushing, I burst out laughing and my eyes started to water. Who knew THE Blade Rosco could blush!

Oh God! Guys Blade's blushing! - Me

Shut up! I am not - Blade

Now YOUR the one who sounds like a 6 year old - Vixen

I felt a sharp pain in my chest causing me to stop my laughing fit and replace it with a small whimper of pain.

"Shit it's starting already?!" Blade asked from the side of me

"Yep" I breathed popping the 'p'

"You know your gonna have it 10 times worse than anyone else because of how powerful she is?"

"Lucky me" Note the sarcasm?

I thought she accepted me completely and we were going to be together and complete the mating process so that our pack could become stronger. Hell, I was about to mark her the second she shifted back! But I guess not everything's as easy as they make it in fairy tales. Someone always gets hurt in the real world, and sometimes that can't be fixed but on the small chance it can, never hesitate to try so that's exactly what i'm going to do. I'm gonna find my mate again and she WILL be mine!...Whether she wants to be or not...


Scarlett's P.O.V

After I ran away, I made my way back to the camp me and Mckayla had made. I was surprised -to say the least- that she was already their

That's because you got lost!

I'm new at this, give me a break. I haven't got a good sense of direction

You'll learn soon enough


I jumped back at Mckayla's voice and yelped in surprise. She stood 5 feet infront of me, and looked a little nervous.

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