CHAPTER EIGHT - Movie Marathon, Shifting Wolves, Newfound Mate, Oh My!

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Scarlett's P.O.V


I woke up with a groan the next morning.

Why are we drunk! We only had a small sip of vodka! This has happened to me before, the drink was spiked. doesn't take a genius to realise that Axel did that...Sadly, your right there.

"Why are you having a conversation with yourself?..." I looked over to see Mckayla lying down next to me, looking at me like I belonged in an insane asylum.

"Wait...I said all that out loud!?!"

"Yes you did. And what do you mean Axel spiked your drink?" She drew her eyebrows together in a frown and didn't remove her gaze from my eyes for one second. "Did something happen?" She suddenly looked very concerned.

I sighed and looked away "Can I trust you enough to tell you?" I looked back to her to see her expression.

She looked shocked. Like REALLY shocked that i'd just asked her that but quickly nodded her head and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"How could you ask that? Of course you can! I would never tell a soul" She crossed her heart after releasing me from the hug.

"Ok.." I looked down and sighed before continuing "Well. After you left me and Axel to go stalk Blade, he took me to go get a drink. He gave me a cup of vodka but it was extremely strong so I only had one sip. We then started dancing and I ran off when a slow song started playing and he chased me into a room. I first thought he was just joking around with me but then his eyes darkened and he started to scare me..." I took a shaky deep breath and slowly continued "When I tried to run....he kissed me and threw me over his shoulder. I started screaming before he threw me down on a bed and climbed on top of me. He started to kiss me again and took off my dress before he tried to...." My voice cracked at the last sentence and tears were threatening to spill out. I decided to skip the part of Donovan saving me, maybe she won't bring it up and how I got away.

"Hold said 'tried'?" I nodded "Well how'd you get away?" Well there goes that theory...

"Erm...Donovan Raye heard my screams, knocked the door down. Literally! It freaking broke the hinges. Then he saved me..." I closed my eyes and waited for the lecture...but it never came...

Please don't be mad!

Please don't be mad!

Please don't be mad!

I opened my eyes to a grinning Mckayla. What the hell?

"OH MY GOD!" She screamed so loud i'm pretty sure people in Britian heard her and were throwing curse words at whoever was screaming like a school girl.


"I knew he was looking at you weird! I'd know that look anywhere!" Now i'm confused.

"What look?"

"The mate look" She quickly gasped and placed a hand over her mouth, I get the feeling she shouldn't have said that...

"What's 'The mate look'?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Its nothing, I mean it in the friends way"

"Hmm" I decided to drop the subject and not pry....for now.

"So when do you wanna start our Johnny Depp movie marathon?" She grinned at my subtle change of subject


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