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Scarlett's P.O.V



1 3/4...

1 1/2...

1 1/3...

Where's the damn bullet!?

I open my eyes and look down at my stomach only to find the bullet floating in midair 5 inches away from my stomach. I poke the bullet with my finger and it falls to the floor, landing with a thump. That sound makes everyone gasp and look at me in confusion.

'Isra what was that?'

'That was your new power' She says with a grin

'I can control bullets?' I ask in amazement

'Not just bullets. You can control ANY inanimate object'

'Fuck yeah!' I exclaim in excitement

"What the hell!?"

I look up to see everyone staring at me. Some in awe. Others in fear. But most in excitement

I notice the gun is still in Cody's hand so I channel my new power into my right hand and bring the gun into my hand. Everyone gasps and Cody looks terrified as I aim the gun at his heart.

I smirk at him "What's the matter Cody? Wolf got your tongue?"

Everyone snickers and Cody looks at me in horror but it soon disappears and is replaced with a grin "Your the white wolf"

I let my eyes change back amber "Took you long enough"

His eyes glaze over and the next thing I know 20 wolves emerge from the surrounding woods. I see one running at me and I use Isra to stop him when he's 5ft away.

"STOP!" Isra booms at him.

He skids to a halt and stares at me for a moment before walking back to the other wolves. I turn back to a shocked Cody

"When are you gonna learn? I can command every wolf in the clearing even if i'm not their Alpha" I smirk at him

I put a hand on my stomach and slowly deaw circles "You tried to kill my pup" I glare at him "Give me one reason why I shouldn't try an kill you now"

He lowers his head "Have a heart?"

I laugh at him "If you asked me that before you tried to kill my baby, I might have considered it...but not anymore" I arm the gun "Any last words"

"Fuck yourself" He growls at me

"Really? Not even a Sorry? So you can have a clean conscience?" I question

"Like I said...Fuck yourself" He.growls again

"No thanks" I pull the trigger and watch it penetrate through his flesh and land deep in his heart, killing him instantly. His eyes lose their glow and turn into a dull blue with no life. The colour drains from his face and he falls to the floor in a heap.

I throw the gun to the floor and run to Donovan, throwing my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me impossibly closer to him. The familiar tingles and butterflies appear and I let out a sigh of relief. He pulls away slightly to cup my face and look me over for any injuries. When he sees that their all healed he looks down at my stomach and smiles.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He yells and gets on his knees to hug my stomach. He rests his ear on my stomach.

I look around and see all the wolves looking around awkwardly "Donovan?"

He gasps and looks up at me "Say something else!" He exclaims in excitement and puts his head back

"Donovan?!" I yell

"What?" He looks at me and stands back up

"What do we do with these?" I gesture to Cody's pack

"Nothing they become rogues or choose another Alpha for their pack"

I notice the nice wolf who carried me here looking down sadly and I feel simpathy for him

"Can we at least take one of them in?" I ask Donovan sweetly

"Why?" He questions

"One of them is really nice and I like him" I tell Donovan who growls "Not that way, you goof" I roll my eyes

"Oh...which one?"

"Him" I point at Jack who lifts his head and looks at me in schoxk and excitement

"Why him?" One of our warrior wolves asks

"He carried me here and he was very careful once I told him I was pregnant" I grin

"Come over here and shift" Donovan commands

Jack nods and goes to shift behind a tree. He emerges in shorts and walks over to me and Donovan. I smile at him and he returns it slightly. Donovan looks him over for a moment before grinning and sticking his hand out

"Welcome to the White Moon pack" Donovan greets

Jack grins and shakes his hand. He presents his hand for me to shake as well but I roll my eyes an pull him into a bear hug.

"Welcome to the pack" I mumble into his chest

"Thank you" He says as I pull away. I nod and smile again.

I nod at Cody's old pack and wish them luck with whatever they choose to do. We then turn to leave back in the direction of our pack house.


Only 4 chapters left!!

I've finally fixed my phone so the last few chapters will be out sooner now!

I've got a party later! And everyone else is going in dresses...i'm going in skinny jeans, converse and a band t-shirt...

Aren't I the most feminine woman ever!





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