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Donovan's P.O.V

We were following the scent for what felt like forever, going in multiple clothing stores, until I finally felt it getting stronger and stronger the quicker we ran.

It was heading towards the exit, so I told Blade and Vixen to hurry and we ran as fast as we could until Blade caught sight of Mckayla and Scarlett.

"Mckayla!" He yelled running faster.

They turned to face us and Mckayla and Scarlett instantly paled

Weird...You think their hiding something?

I don't know, but i'm gonna find out.

"Oh! H-Hey babe" Mckayla waved and laughed nervously

I looked at Scarlett and noticed her eyes glaze over for a moment and Mckayla then turned to look at her, and both their eyes glazed over. They looked like they were communicating like werewolves.

We need to have a talk with Mckayla.

I looked at Blade and Vixen and they looked just as puzzled

What do you think their doing? - Vixen

It looks like their talking through a mind-link - Me

But Scarlett's not a werewolf, she smells like a human - Blade


We all turned to see Mckayla and Scarlett looking at us with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah?" Vixen said


Scarlett's P.O.V

Crap! Crap! Crap!

What now!?

Focus! Just concentrate on smelling human

I don't know what humans smell like

How can you not? Your surrounded by them right now!



Ok I got this...smell human, smell human, smell human, smell human, smell human...

"Oh! H-Hey babe"

Mckayla - Me

She turned to face me.

Don't act so nervous, they'll catch on - Me

But they might be able to smell you - Mckayla

They won't, i've masked my scent - Me

Really!? - Mckayla

Yea take a whiff - Me

She sniffed the air.

Wow! You smell normal with a hint of honey, if you were food I would eat you - Mckayla

Aww! That's sweet! - Me

No your sweet, because you smell like honey - Mckayla

Why thank you, I think it might be from my conditioner - Me

Well it smells devine - Mckayla

Thanks, I might let you use it one - We're going off course here - Me

Oh shit! - Mckayla

We looked back at the boys and saw their eyes glazed over. I looked back at Mckayla and she arched an eyebrow and shrugged her shoulders.

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