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Third Person's P.O.V

The doctor did everything he could...but it wasn't enough...

As soon as word got out that Scarlett had died during childbirth the pack was in mourning, despite Serenity being born the pack was distraught over the loss of their Luna.

Donovan wouldn't speak to anyone and just locked himself in his and Scarlett's bedroom, sniffing the pillows that still held her lingering scent. He wept for the second time ever in his life and didn't stop until he heard the cry of his daughter from across the room. He held her in his arms and watched in awe as her eyes flashed the same shade of amber that once was held in Scarlett's eyes before turning back blueish grey all newborn babies have. He lay beside his daughter on the bed and held her close, wishing she didn't leave him also. He soon drifted off into a deep slumber with tears still falling down his face.



He knew he was dreaming as soon as he heard her sweet voice but he was hoping the real world had been a dream and she was actually here

"Donovan, where are you?"

"I'm here" He called back to her

She stepped into view a few seconds later and he saw the tears running down her face, that was all he needed to run to her and embrace her in his arms. She cried out in pain from the loss of her mate as he did the same. They sank to the floor in each others arms savouring the moment for as long as possible, until Scarlett pulled back and looked right at him

"Hows my baby girl?" She asks in a whisper

He smiled a sad smile "Missing mommy"

She cried again and hugged him tightly "Promise you won't blame her for my death"

"I would never" He replied honestly. It wasn't Serenity's fault her mother died during childbirth, it was just her time to go -although he wishes that it wasn't

"I'll be here everyday"

"What do you mean?" Donovan asked as he pulled back

"I have a new power I can only use when im dead, I can place myself in people's dreams"

He looked her over "So your actually here, i'm not imagining you?"

"No, i'm actually here" She smiled

He smiled back and kissed her straight on the lips. The same sparks that occured in reality ignited all over his body and he laughed happily against her lips before kissing her again. He pulled her onto his lap and continued kissing her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly. His wolf was content with seeing his love once again -even if it was in a dream.

After they pulled away they were breathless and staring livingly into each others eyes. Scarlett stared at him intently for a few minutes before speaking

"There's something coming"

Donovan pulled her tighter to him and growled at the surrounding darkness

"No, not here" Scarlett said to him

"Then where?" He asked

"Something's coming for Serenity"

His blood ran cold at the new imformation. Something was coming for his only child. He growled again, he couldn't lose her too!

"What?!" He growled out

"I don't know, all I know is it's bad and you have to train straight away to prepare for it"

"I will protect her even if it means losing my own life"

Scarlett smiled at him sweetly and hugged him again, tightly. She whispered in his ear

"I love you"

"I love you too" He whispered back "Goodbye my angel" He kissed her one last time before he started to get pulled back to reality and his daughter


Donovan awoke with a deep intake of breath. He glanced to his right to see Serenity cuddled against his side, peacefully sleeping. He picked her up gently and placed her on his chest, lying back down carefully so as not to wake her. He admired how much she looked like her mother with her small button nose, her short chestnut hair, her wide innocent eyes, her facial structure and her fragile form. The only thing she seems to have inherited from Donovan are his full lips. The colour of her eyes is yet to be revealed.

He vowed from that moment that he would protect his daughter with his life and would never let anything happen to her...


Just the Epilogue left and then it's onto the sequel!

The sequel already has the Prologue posted, the book is called 'Serenity'...

Song of the chapter 'Wanted - Hunter Hayes'





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