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(A/N - A little tip for this chapter...Because Scarlett/Isra is the most powerful wolf to ever live if she experiences something that involves her wolf as well as her human it will happen faster and will be much more extreme from start to end)


Scarlett's P.O.V

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I shot up in bed from the shrill sound of my alarm clock only to fall back down when i was overcome with soreness from my 'no-no zone'. I groaned and rubbed my eyes before stretching my arm over to turn the alarm clock off. I sat up slowly this time and noticed i was completely naked. That's when all the events from the night before flashed in my brain and i blushed profoundly.

I look to my left to find Donovan gone. Did he seriously leave after i gave him my fucking virginity!? If he did i'll castrate him so he can never do it again! That's when i heard the shower running in my en-suite, and Donovan humming to a song i didn't recognise.

Damn i'm sore...

'It was worth it!' Isra says excitedly

'Yeah i have to agree with you on that' I admit

'Damn he was huge' *drools*

'I didn't think he would fit' I say honestly.

I hear the shower stop and Donovan steps out in just a towel wrapped lowly around his hips. My eyes trail slowly from his chest, down to his abdomen and to his 'V' until the towel covers the 'monster' that has caused me to be so damn sore. My eyes follow the slight 'T' line of hair covering his body until i reach his face to see him smirking at me.

"Like what you see?" He asks with a wink

What the hell eh? "Hell yeah!" i reply

His eyes widen in shock and he chuckles before going on the hunt for his clothes that are scattered around the room from the previous night.

"How you feeling?" He asks as he removes the towel and starts drying his body. I cant help but stare as his tan skin glistens from the light shining through the window.

"Sore as hell" I reply whilst he slips into his boxers and jeans.

"Sorry, i can't help that" He looks concerned

"I know" I stand up a little too quickly which sends my head spinning and my body stumbling forward.

"Careful" Donovan shouts and grabs a hold of my waist.

"I'm fine. I'm gonna take a shower"

I slip past him and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I started the shower and stand under the lukewarm water.

I'm pretty sure i'm not supposed to be feeling dizzy after i've lost my virginity. Oh crap! What if something went wrong!? What if his monster messed up my insides!? Well whatever the hell happened, it better not last long because i don't wanna walk like a turtle the rest of my life.

After a quick 10 minute shower i wrapped a towel around myself and stepped into my bedroom only to stop in my tracks when i'm overwhelmed with a feeling of nausea. I run back into the bathroom and throw up the popcorn from last night into the toilet. After that's gone i dry-heave for a minute before standing up and brushing my teeth to get rid of the taste of vomit.

I return to my bedroom and enter the closet to get changed into a pair of ripped dark blue jeans, a white cotton long sleeve t-shirt and studded brown ankle boots. I come out of the closet (Literally, not Metaphorically) and walk over to my vanity to apply a black and grey smoky eye, winged eyeliner, a little bit of foundation and mascara. I usually wouldn't wear any make-up but my face is so pale from when i threw up and i don't want Donovan to think him having sex with me has made me sick. I dry my hair and leave it straight.

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