Chapter 61

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It had been some time since I'd come back here. Back to these heavy set of wooden doors that were more than double my height in length. I didn't know why I was so nervous though. My sweaty palms reached out to knock against the smoothly polished wood but they quickly retracted back to my side.

What was I supposed to find here? If I was wrong about this then I would've driven all the way here, in Marissa's car, and ditched Derek at the hospital in his time of need. Liliane meant a lot to him so he would not be happy about my departure. If I was wrong, this would no doubt snake back to Derek somehow. He was in a fragile state right now and I didn't know if he would be calm or explode if he ever found out.

There was one thing I knew for sure though. I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him.

With a big breath, I rung the doorbell before I could change my mind and walk away. The sound echoed off the walls of the house so loudly, I could hear it from outside. For a few minutes there was nothing, no response at all. Just as I was turning away to leave, the door swung open.

"Kate," Evelyn said in an unsurprised tone, "I knew I would find you here at some point."

"Evelyn, I really need to talk to you about something."

She raised a sculpted brow mockingly, "Have you come to beg for my forgiveness? Or are you hiding your ex-husband's skank somewhere so she can attack me again?"

I smiled at the mention of Marissa and remembered how she bitch-slapped Evelyn in the face. That was a good day. Up until we discovered that Liliane was in the hospital. Which is why I was here.

"Evelyn, how did you know that Liliane was in the hospital?" I asked. It was better to get straight to the point in these kinds of situations when dealing with Evelyn.

Her face remained stoic, "Oh you know, just heard it along the grape vine like everybody else."

"Really? Then how did you manage to give that anonymous tip to the police?"

Her lips curved downwards ever so slightly before she maintained her expressionless face once again.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Kate," Her tone scolding, "I may know a lot of things but even I don't know everything!"

"Bullshit." I said, eyes narrowed.
I shoved her door wide open, which was no easy feat but I had the adrenaline.

She seemed surprised, "Excuse me? Didn't your parents ever teach you-"

Accusingly, I pointed a finger in her face. "You knew. So don't stand there in your prissy little house and pretend you didn't give the police that tip."

"What are you-" She gasped as she stepped back, her bare feet drew backwards onto the marbel floor.

Seizing the opportunity, I advanced, my tone scalding, "The police said that it was someone with a high-pitched voice. Now how many people do we both know that have that?"

"I do not have a high-pitched voice!" She snapped, even shriller then before.

"Jesus. For once in your life you do the right thing and you can't even own up to it." I blew out a breath frustratedly. An idea sprung into my mind and I turned around with new-found confidence.
"It's too late Eve. The police have tracked the phone number to yours and are on their way right now to take you in for questioning."

She cursed, "Shit, how is that possible? I used a burner."

A victorious smile grew on my lips, "Aha! So it was you!"

She looked at me blankly for a minute before she realized that I had tricked her.

"Fine. It was me, you won. Can you leave now?" She said annoyedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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