Chapter 51

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I sighed as Evelyn marched her way through my door. She didn't take the courtesy to ask me first, instead she just invited herself in.

She sported a tiny, yellow Kate Spade handbag that she clinged to, as if someone was going to swipe it off her any second now.

"Kate!" She cried ecstatically, "Isn't it such a glorious day outside?"

I turned toward the window that had raindrops pouring down it from the heavy rainfall this morning.

"Evelyn, it's raining," I stated with an eye roll.

She shook off her umbrella on my Arabian carpet, which earned a scowl from me, and threw her umbrella to Derek who stood behind me. Derek caught it easily and hung it up on the coat rack before he turned back to us.

Evelyn clasped her hands together excitedly with a huge smile plastered across her cheekbones, "I have exciting news everyone! Due to certain circumstances that have recently come up, I have decided to revoke the contracts that bind you in marriage! Isn't that just awesome?"

"Amazing," I said sarcastically.

She frowned at me, creating wrinkles on her pasty white skin, "I'm doing you a favour Kate, the least you could do is act like you're grateful."

I opened my mouth to retort but Derek's hand held me back. When I looked at him he seemed to be silently telling me something.

Let it go.

So I did. Instead, I only fixed her with a glare.

"Anyways," She said cheerily, " You two are free to mingle and stay wherever you like."

"Thanks Eve but we're happy together," Derek said as he smiled down at me and entangled our hands together.

She sighed with annoyance, "Derek you can quit the sham marriage act. You don't have to pretend to be with her anymore. Don't you get it, you're free!"

Derek beamed at her, "I'm not pretending Eve. We really do love each other."

My heart fluttered wherever he mentioned the 'L' word. I smiled up at his giant frame and he looked down to meet my gaze. The green in his eyes swirled with happiness and his hand on my skin sent a current right through me, one that I could feel to the tips of my toes.

She rolled her eyes, "Right."

Evelyn didn't believe us. She never had and while we were pretending at the beginning, we weren't now. Our love was growing stronger each and every day and there wasn't anything in world that could change that.

Evelyn fixed me with a wicked grin, "By the way Kate, just in case you get any ideas about Josh, I want you to know that he's with me now."

It didn't matter. Josh and I were ancient history. Derek was my husband and we were together. That's all that mattered.

"Anyways," She said as she grabbed her umbrella on her way out, "I'll fax the paperwork over to your lawyer. Toodles, have a nice life!"


I stood in front of the mirror of the bathroom as I adjusted my hair. My hair was doing that thing where this one part stood up like a giant beacon at the top of my head. Normally I would've ignored it and gone on with my day but the difference was that this time, it was noticeable. Very noticeable.

Somewhere in the back corner of the room, in a stall, I heard someone choke back a sob followed by a curse word, the rip of toilet paper, and nose blowing. Lots and lots of nose blowing.

I turned away from the mirror and went to the stall door. My hand reached up and knocked on the metal door covered in coral red paint.

"Hello? Is everything okay in there?" I asked with genuine concern.

A moment later, the stall door opened. Behind it was Evelyn, much to my surprise. She held a wad of toilet paper between her freshly manicured fingers and dabbed away the running mascara around her red and puffy eyes.

Damn it. She was a total mess and she still looked so put together, so beautiful, so... posh.

She glared when she saw me, "What are you looking at?"

Beautiful on the outside, ugly on the inside. That was Evelyn in a nutshell.

"I, uh, wanted to make sure that you're okay," I peered at her, "Are you? 'Cause it sure doesn't look like it."

"Don't act so surprised," She sneered, "I know you want to see me this miserable."

"No I don't actually, contrary to what you may believe, I'm actually here to check on you."

She seemed to be at a loss for words then, "Why would you do that? The reason I'm like this is all your fault!"

Leave it to Evelyn to turn the blame back on me.

"My fault?" I echoed, "How is any of this my fault?"

"You spread those rumours about my parents, you started the fight, you stole Derek away from me, and then you told everybody about what happened in the bathroom!"

Her brown eyes were like daggers that shot straight at me. She clenched her fists by her sides and leaned in close to me.

"I never started those rumours about your parents Evelyn, that was Rachel. We both started that fight. As for stealing Derek, he chose me. And Derek's the one who told everyone what happened in the bathroom. I even told him not to get involved."

For some weird reason I remained calm throughout the explanation. There wasn't a muscle in my body that was tense or angry.

Evelyn turned to the side, "Humph."

"What? It's true!"

She shot a sideways glance at me, "I just don't know how you could do that to me when you know my parents are in the middle of their divorce."

"What are you talking about?" I asked her, not quite following what she said.

She threw up her hands frustratedly, "The rumors!" She said, as if the answer was obvious, "How could you do that to me?"

"Firstly, I didn't spread shit about you. And secondly, do you really think that that warranted you to sink my head into a toilet?" I asked incredulously.

She glared at me, hard, "You deserved that after all the shit you put me through."

Okay. Now I was angry.

My jaw clenched together, "Look, I only wanted to see if you were okay and from the looks of it, you clearly are."

As I turned to leave she spat, "You deserved it bitch!"

I rolled my eyes at her and turned back to face her, "I don't know why you hate me so much but I've done nothing but be nice to you time and time again. All I wanted to do was see if you were okay when I heard you crying. But even that turned into 'The Evelyn Show'. So now I'm leaving and you can go crawl back to wherever you and your cockroach friends came from."

She stood there, stunned. To be honest I was quite proud of the way I lashed out at her.

With a quick spin of my heel, I exited and slammed the door behind me for good measure.

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