Ch. 2 Calling Jamie

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Hiii!! My loves I am posting 2 chapters today because I just started it and I hope u guys like it!

And remember that if u guys have any questions just tell me I will be sure to answer them!

Here is chapter 2!!


Chapter 2 Claire's P.O.V

Tomorrow is the concert and I'm so excited!! And today I got to call my friend Jamie and I can't wait to tell her!!!

Jamie and me have been best friends since kindergarten and we have never fought! I know right, ,anyway she is going to freak out!!!

I go downstairs and I see mom reading the news paper and drinking coffee. "Hi mommy good morning how did u sleep?" She looked up and smiled and said "hi honey and good morning and I did sleep good what about you?" I smiled and said "really good" "good there is breakfast on the stove I u want some?" I nodded and went an got me some eggs and bacon then I sat down.

"Are u excited to meet your idols tomorrow?" I smile and said "are u kidding I'm so excited it just seems so unbelievable!! Oh that reminds me I got to call Jamie!!" "Ok hurry" mom said I smiled and I ran into my room and got my phone and sat on the bed and call Jamie.

On the phone with Jamie.

J- hello

C-hey sista!!!

J-hey!! What r u doing?

C-Oh nothing just holding 2 front row tickets to a One Direction concert. And 2 backstage passes. What abo-


C-yep and guess who gets to go with me?




C-You!! You get to go with me!! Haha


C-Jamie breathe

J- ok I'm good!!!! When are we going!

C-Tomorrow, and we already talked to your mom and she is fine with it so u can spend the night with me tonight because it's a 3 hour drive if u want to.

J- Yes that would be fine I can't wait!! Will be over there in 5.

C-ok bye!


I walk back to the living room and mom just laughing "what?" Then I laugh with her she said "I literally heard Jamie screaming!" We both laugh "she said she will be here in 5 mins so any minute no-" I got cut cut off by the door bell. I ran towards it and Jamie hugged me and said "thankyou so much!!!"' I chuckled and said "your welcome"

"We are going to my bedroom mom love u!!" "Love you too honey and I love u too Jamie!" Jamie ran to mom and said "I love u too" she chuckled and we went to my bedroom.

I asked Jamie "what do u want to do?" we looked at each other and said "This Is Us" we broke out laughing and I put in the movie and we covered up in my One direction cover and then we watched the movie. After we watched the movie we both fell asleep.


Hey!! My loves I hope u liked it I know it was short but they will get longer I promise!!!

I don't know how many chapters I will do today. And it will get more interesting!! Bye my loves!!!

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