Ch.3 The concert

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I woke up and stretched then I I thought to myself "I get to se and meet One Direction today!" I thought about it for a second then I screamed and Jamie jumped up and said "who died!!" I laughed so hard and she was so confused and she said "what" I stopped laughing and said "I just thought to myself that we r going to see and meet One Direction today!" She laughed and said "I should've known" I smiled and she said "what?" I ran to the bathroom and while it was running I said "I CALL BATHROOM FIRST!!" And I ran into the bathroom and locked it and Jamie said "hey that's not fair!" I laughed and said "oh well u still love me though" she chuckled and said "yeah I guess I will let you slide this time because I love you! And I just want you to know if that was anyone else all I'm going to say is that I would bust through the door" I laughed and said "oh ok" she said "all I want u to know is that I take me baths very seriously, very seriously" I laughed and said "oh ok"

I got into the shower and i washed my hair with my dove shampoo that smells like strawberry and bananas and then I rinsed that out and then I washed my body with coconut body wash then I shaved my legs and under arms. I got out and put my hair in a towel and the wrapped my body in my other towel and then walked out of the bathroom and said to Jamie, "the bathroom is all yours" she smiled and walked in the bathroom. I walked to my vanity and blowed dried my hair and then straightened it and then I walked to my queen bed and put on my top that I had out it was black and the front was a British sign and then on the back had 'I gotta have my British boys!' Then I got my red blue jeans and put them on and then put on my black vans. Then I put on some ear ringings and then went downstairs and sat on the couch with mom and wait for Jamie to get done

About 30 mins later Jamie came downstairs and she had the same top as me on then high waisted red blue jean shorts then some red vans. Her hair was curled and earrings.

Mom said " You girls look so cute picture time!" We got beside each other and took a good picture the a funny picture. Mom said "come on let's go to Starbucks!" We all cheered and got into the car "you really pretty today mom!" I said to mom and she said "Thankyou honey!" She had a dress and heels and make up then her hair was curled.

We got to Starbucks and I got a strawberry and banana smoothie with whip cream, Jamie got a cappuccino with Carmel syrup then mom

Got a just normal coffee. We got done and we put it in the trash then we got into the car and we headed to the hotel.

We got to the Hotel can mom parked the car and me and Jamie got the bags and walked to the door. "This place is huge!" Jamie said I said "i know right" the hotel had 3 Pools 7 floors 2 lobby and over 100 rooms "this is the biggest hotel I have ever seen!" I said Jamie nodded and said "you got that right!" "Come on girls let go get settled" we walked to are room we were on the top! We got all are stuff unpacked and Jamie's phone went off and she said "I'm going to take this I will be right back." I looked at her weird then I shook it off and said "ok" she smiled and walked out side in the hallway of the hotel. I was on Instagram when she came back in she looked scared and I said "Jamie, are you ok?" Sh. Looked at me and laughed and said "why yes I get to see One Direction and meet them with my best friend why would you say that!" We both laugh and I said "ok"

Mom came back in the hotel and said "girls let's go get are nails done!!" "Yes!!" Jamie and me ran to the car and we got in and mom was right behind us and we drove to the nail place.

We went into the nail place and they sat us done and ask "what do u lady's want today?" We laugh and look at each other and said "One Direction!" They said "good choice" a hour later we walk out of the nail place me and Jamie got One Direction faces on are fingers the mom got French tips like normal.

We got to the arena and the line a little long not bad and it was only like 4:00 so we get in line. We meet a lot of directioners and then like 2 hours later it was finally are turn we have the lady are tickets she scanned them then she gave them back then gave us are wristbands an are backstage passes then we walked in. We got are t shirts I got 3 Jamie got 2 the lady found are seats and we were right in the middle of the front row seat and I can't believe that we front tickets!


Today is my birthday and I finally turned 13 I'm so excited!! I get out of bed and went downstairs and mom is reading the paper and drinking coffee like normal. "Good morning mommy!" I said all happy! "Good morning sweetheart happy birthday!" I smiled and said "Thankyou!" I got me some breakfast and sat down but before I did there is a big envelope I looked at mom and she said "open it"smiled and sat down I opened it and had tickets I freaked out and I screamed mom covered her ears and said look what seat you are in I looked and it said front row I screamed and started crying then mom wen into the living room and said "oh I forgot about these" I looked at them and they were backstage passes and I screamed and I cried for about 30 minutes then I said when is it she smiled and said "tomorrow"

End of flashback

"CLAIRE!!" I looked at Jamie and said "yeah?" "The concert is starting" I look at my phone and it saids 7:00 and that's when midnight memories started playing we started screaming but when they came out for some reason I didn't scream at all I was just to busy staring at Harry then half the way through midnight memories he turns around and his eyes connected with mine and we stared at each other for a while then he mouthed "hi" and waved I chuckled and mouthed "hi" then Louis tapped on Harry's shoulder and moved his eyebrows like he knows something then he gave me a thumbs up and then went on the other side of the stage and the concert was great me and harry kept on making eye contact and he would always do something that would make me laugh. And let's just say I can't wait Intel the meet and greet!

Harry's P.O.V

We just got off the plane and we are in St.louis and now we are getting on the tour bus to drive to the Edwards Jones Dome. Tonight feels different than other nights and I don't know why.. "HARRY!!" Niall yelled "what!?!?" He laughed and said "I'm sorry u zoned out again." I laughter and said "oh sorry nialler." "It's ok Hazza" he said and I got on Twitter and tweeted "tonight feels different and I don't know why but I guess I will find out later!..." I put my phone in my pocket and then we got out of the tour bus and we went to our dressing room and Lou was already in mine she walked out so I can get ready I put on a black t shirt then I got my black skinny jeans and put on and then I rolled up my sleeves on my t shirt then put my belt on and my boots. I took my hair out of my beanie and then sat down and yelled "U CAN COME IN NOW LOU!!" She laughed and came in. She came in and said "what do want your hair to look today down or up in a bandana?" "Umm down I'm feeling pretty lucky tonight!" She smiled and said "ok" about a hour later she is done with my hair and she said "all done now go you are late!" I ran out door and said "Thank you" and ran towards the boys and said "sorry" they said "its ok" Paul came in with our microphones and said "show time boys!" We Grab our microphones and then to the things that makes us jump up from the ground and the counted down "5,4,3,2,1" we shot up and we started singing and fans were really loud! We were half way through midnight memories and I turned around and my eyes met the most prettiest green eyes I kept on staring at her and she did the same and I mouthed "hi" and waved she giggled and it was really cute then she said "hi" and waved back. Before I could say anything else Louis tapped on my shoulder and I turned around and he looked at her and gave her a thumbs up and mouthed "good choice" I laughed and he walked off and the rest of the concert I sang and made funny faces at her and I saw her backstage pass on her neck.. All I can say is that I can't wait for the meet and greet!.....


Hey my loves I hope you guys like it and it was a whole lot longer and I will post the meet and greet today too also!

Bye my loves,


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