Ch.16 What?!?!

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Hey guys I hope you like this one I think y'all will but if u have any questions just tell me! And I will probably stop the book maybe 20 or 25 chapters anyway I hope you like it!!


Claire's P.O.V

Liam sighed and Said "Claire we are starting tour in a week." I sat there shocked I felt a tear run down my cheek but I wiped it away. "Is harry ok" I said then liam said "well I don't think so because when they told us he started cussing them out and he was really mad but then he started to cry so I don't know really." "Well let me go talk to him ok" they all smiled.

I walked down the hall and knocked on Harry's door. "Go away" I sighed and said "Harry it's me" he opened the door and I walked In and I sat on his bed and he did too "harry what's wrong?" he just looked at me and then said "I have to go on tour and not see you for a year that's what wrong!" He snapped at me and I just looked down and I let a few tears come out and harry said "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to snap at you" he hugged me and I hugged him back. We were both crying and then we leg go and he said "I am going to miss you so much baby" "I will miss you much." He kissed me and I kissed me and every time it felt like fireworks and sparkles everywhere. We parted and smiled at each other and we hugged again then We walked out and we sat back down and louis said this week is going to be the best week of all of our life's!! I smiled and kissed harry again man I love his kisses!


Hey guys I know it was short but I hope you guys liked it and tell me what u thought about it! And should I put the whole week in one chapter or brake it apart? Tell me what u think on the comments! Bye my loves!!


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