Ch.15 The breakfast Disaster

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Hi my loves I hope you like this one!! Did anyone see Louis at his moms wedding OMG!! Anyway hope u like it bye my loves And 4 YEARS!! Yay!! I'm so proud for the boys!!



Claire's P.O.V

The next morning

I woke up by the sound of the smoking alarm going off and louis yelling "FIRE!!" I run downstairs and louis is running around the house and screaming, Harry trying to get the fire out and Niall was sitting in the other room holding his ears yelling "we need CLAIRE!!" And Zayn taking towels and swatting the smoke away, while Liam is trying to calm everyone down. I run towards The closet and get the fire thing and ran back into the kitchen and pushed harry out of the way and sprayed the fire until it was out. After I was done I looked at the boys and louis is still running around yelling and then Zayn said "LOUIS!" He stopped and said "sorry" "what happened?" harry said "we were trying to make you eggs. He looked down said and I said "it's ok but Thankyou guys for trying" "welcome" they said "now go into the living roo-" I was cut off by Niall hugging me and saying "don't leave me!" I chuckled and let go of him and then I said "go into the living room while I clean up ok" "ok" the boys walk out of the kitchen but Harry said "I will stay and help" I nodded and smiled and gave him a peck on the lips and whispered "Thankyou" we started cleaning I cleaned the counter tops and the stoves while Harry cleaned dishes and put towels in the washer. We cleaned for about 30 mins and then I got the towel out of the dryer and folded them and put them in the closet. We walked back into the living room and we sat on the couch and i said "movies?" "Yeah! What are we going to watch?" We sat there and Liam said "toy story?" "No!" They said and said "hey I want to!" I went and gave Liam a hug and smiled and he smiled back and then sat back down and louis said "finding nemo?" "Yes!" Harry put it in and came back and sat beside me and I put my head on his lap and we watched the movie.

About a hour into the movie my eyes were getting heavy and harry was playing with my hair and it felt amazing so I shut my eyes and I went to sleep.

I woke up and I was alone on the couch and no body was in the living room so I got up and stretched and walked into the kitchen and no one was in there so yelled "hello?" Nobody I answered so i looked around then on the counter and there was a note.


Hey we were watching the movie and you fell asleep. And then Liam got a call and they needed us in the office the management had to talk to us ASAP so we had to leave. We will be back in 3 or 4 hours sorry babe I love you!!!,


P.S, Hey louis here! got you fruity pebble cereal bars because I didn't want my little nemo to get hungry! Oh I'm calling you Nemo now!

Bye!!!!!!! Nemo!!

I thought to my self what can I do for 4 hours? I could clean house! I got up and started cleaning the living room I put all the magazines on the couch and the stuff on the table then dusted and wiped all the tables off, then I put the magazines in a pretty way on the table and then put the t.v. remote on the table then stacked the coasters and then put them on there too. I put up all the xbox controllers up and then I got the broom and swept all the chips and cookies in the floor and the I got the steamer and steamed the floor, then I cleaned the windows in there then i walked to to the kitchen. I wiped the table off and then put up all the groceries and washed all the dishes. Then I walked into Harry's room and put up all of his clothes and put all the dirty ones in the wash then I made the bed then dusted, I vacuum the floor and then cleaned his windows and then I cleaned up his closet when I was done his room it was very clean. The I cleaned Niall's and all I had to do Is pick up some clothes and put them in the wash and put Harry's in the dryer. Then I vacuumed and made his bed in Niall's room, niall kept his room very clean. Then I walked to Liam's room and did the same vacuumed, dusted, put clothes in the wash and took Harry's out of the dryer and hung them in hid closet and put Niall's in the dryer, then cleaned Liam windows, then I cleaned his closet and made his bed. I walked to Zayns and I vacuumed and cleaned his closet. All of his clothes were already hung up then I mopped his floor and made his bed, now the worst part, Louis room I opened the door and there was. Clothes every where and his bed was made but messy very messy I started to pick up clothes and put them in the wash while putting Liam's in the dryer and hanging up Niall's then walked back into Louis room and picked up all of this clothes and put them in the washer and stared to wash them then I made his bed and vacuum his floor and and then cleaned out his closet then washed his windows. When I was done with that I went and got Liam's clothes and hanged then up in his closet and then put Louis in the wash. Then I walked into Louis room and looked in it and it look like a whole different room! Then I went and mopped the halls and then I went and got Louis clothes and hung them up and then I sat down and watched t.v. I looked at the clock and said "it took me 4 hours to clean this house wow but it is spot less now!"

About 5 mins later the boys walked in and they stopped in there tracks and Liam said "wow" "oh My Gosh" Niall said, louis said "how did you-wow" Zayn said "amazayn!" Harry said "Thankyou so much!!" They all hugged me and I said "boys I can't breathe" they let go and liam said "did you just do the living room and kitchen oooorrr" "yes I did all yours roo-" they ran to there rooms. " Yay!!" Harry said "wow Thankyou!" Niall said "yay" Liam and Zayn said "I CAN SEE MY FLOOR!!" Louis yelled and he ran out of my room and hugged me and said "Thankyou nemo!!" I chuckled and said "your welcome" the boys gave me Hugs and said Thankyou. We all sat down and the boys wernt saying anything they had all sad faces and I said "what wrong what happen?" Harry walked off and I was about to call his name but liam said "it's no good" now I'm worried he came over to me and said "Claire................


Cliff Hanger!! Sorry I will post another tonight one tomorrow I hope you liked this one it was longer!! I love you guys!!!


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