Ch.6 Night at the hotel and Ninja!!

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Hi my loves this is chapter 6 I hope you like it!!


Claire's P.OV.

We are in the hotel and Jamie and me are on your phones and mom came in and said "let's go to red lobster!" We laughed and said "yes!" We get in the car and it's just like 3 blocks from the hotel.

We walk into red lobster and the lady took us to are booths and we sat down and she asked for drinks I got a coke Jamie got sprite and mom got a water, I turned my head and there right beside me is a head full of curls. I jumped and he smiled and said "hey Claire nice to see you again!" I smiled and he gave me a hug and said "can me and Louis sit here with you guys?" I nodded and said "sure" Harry sat with me and louis sat with mom and Jamie Louis looked at me and Jamie and he said "I'm just going to say this Jamie Liam as not stopped talking about you since the meet and greet." She smiled and blushed and said "really?" "Yes really!" Louis said and smiled then looked at me and said "how is my best friend!" "I'm good" harry pulled me into a hug and said "no louis she is all mine!" Louis said "no mine!" I said I'm both your best friends ok!"I laughed and they did too and said "ok"

The waiter came up and said "what can I get you guys?" She winked at Harry I got jealous and I guessed harry notice and under the table he took my Hand and rubbed his thumb over the top of my hand and looked at me and smiled I smiled back and said "I will have the snow crab legs." She wrote it down and rolled her eyes. "Bi*ch" Harry mumbled under his breath and I rubbed my thumb over his hand and he calmed down and then said "I will have the same" she smiled and and "ok" and Harry gave her a cold stare and then louis said "I will have the lobster" she said "ok" then Jamie said "I will have the shrimp." She said "ok" and then mom said "I want the seafood salad" the waiter repeated are orders to us and said "ok we will get that right out!" She left and I said "I'm sorry but I don't like her" "me either" they said we sat and there and talked intil are food came out.

Mine was great harry said his was good and mom and Jamie and Louis said the same. We got up and Harry pulled me to the side and said "hey I was wandering if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow?" I smiled and said "I would love too" he smiled and said "great! I will pick you up tomorrow around 5:00 ok" "ok" he hugged me and said "goodbye beautiful" I smiled and said "goodbye Harry."

We went back to the hotel and Jamie was still the same so I go to my swimsuit and got my black bikini and was about to go to the pool and Jamie said "where are you going?" I turned around and said "the pool" she said "oh ok" she said and she had her knees up to her chest and looked down I frowned and walked out.

When I got to the pool there were a little 13 year old boy and girl I put down my towels and my cover up and my phone and got into the pool and ask the girl and boy "can I join?" They smiled and said "sure!" I swam then the boy came up to me and said "do

You want to play ninja?" I smiled and said "sure!" Ninja Is this game where you stand in a ninja pose and a person goes first and takes their hand and tries to hit your hand and before you do you have to move your hand and if they hit you or not they have to stay at the place intil it's their turn, then the other tries to hit the others hand and if they do hit your hand you are out.

The boy said his name is Clayton and the girl is called daisy, Clayton went first and tried to hit my hand and I moved it before he hit it then I waited for a minute and then I hit my hand with daisy and she is out she laughed and stepped back, Clayton tried to hit my hand and right after him I went really fast and hit his hand I said "yes!" We all laughed and I got out of the pool and said "bye guys I had fun!" They waved and said "bye" I said to myself 'I'm still a five year old in a 17 year old body!' I giggled and went back to the room.

I got back in and Jamie was asleep and mom was on her IPad I smiled and she smiled I went to the bathroom and changed into a tank top and sweatpants that said directioner on them and the tank top said the same thing, that mom got me for my birthday also. I got into the bed with Jamie and I turned off the light and then I went to sleep...


Hey my loves! Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was really busy😐 anyway I hope you like this one and Harry asked Claire out!!!!


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