Ch.7 The Date

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Hey my love this is the date I hope you guys like and what do you think going to happen with Jamie and Jordan? I guess we are going to have to see...


Tonight is the night I have been waiting for 4 years and I'm just so happy this is happening Harry is picking me up at 5:00 and it is 3:00, and me and mom are going to the mall to get me a new dress to wear today. I was watching t.v.

Mom yelled from downstairs "come on get ready we are leaving in 15 mins ok" "ok but can you wait for 25 please?" She chuckled and said "ok I guess" "Thankyou!" I got out of bed and went and got out a Chevron Top and black blue jean shorts then is curled my dark brown hair and then put on my sperrys then put on some victors secret purfume. I got my phone and walked downstairs to see mom waiting on me at the door. She smiled and said you look cute!" "Thankyou mom!" I said to her. We walk to the car and got in and turned out of the drive way.

We arrive at the mall and we walked in and mom said "where do you want to go first?" "Hollister" I said we walked to Hollister and we looked for about 20 mins and couldn't find anything we walked out and went to Areopostale and couldn't find anything then we went to Charlotte Ruth's and we look and then I found this pink lace dress that just went a few inches above the knee and a brown belt that went in the middle around my waist then we fount some brown flats and some pink earrings and a little brown purse mom looked at me and said "you look beautiful!" "Thankyou mom!" We go to cashier and she smiled and said "i like this dress," "Thankyou" we said and then she gave me the 2 bags and then we walked out of the store and then I looked at my phone and it said 3:45 we got some dipin dots and then I walked into Barnes in noble and got 2 new books and then went to Starbucks and got a Cappuccino and then mom got one too and then we walked out of the mall and got into the car and went home so I can get ready.

We get home and it is 4:10 and I run to the bathroom and jumped into the shower and did my normal routine and then got out and it was 4:20. I walk to my vanity and I got my straightener and turned it on then I blow dried my hair and then I straightened it. I walked over to my dress and slipped it on and it fit like a glove then I put on my brown flats and then my earrings and then I got my purse and put some money in it and my lip gloss and then got my phone.

Right before I opened the door mom said "someone's here for you claire!" I smiled and said "I'm coming!" And I walked downstairs and saw Harry and mom Harry said "wow!" And mom smiled and came up to me and said " I hope you have a good time I love you my baby girl" I smiled and said "i love you too momma" and she kissed my cheek and then Harry came up to my and took my hand and said "good bye Mrs. Smith I will take god care of her." She smiled and said "ok and Harry call my Casey!" He said "ok" I waved at her and we walked out the door and I looked at Harry and he has a blazer and a pink bow tie on and his boots and black pants on. We walked to his car and he opened the door for me and I smiled and said "Thankyou" he smiled and said he said "welcome beautiful." I blushed and got into the car and he closed it and the jogged to his side and got in and smiled at me and then drove out of the drive way. The way there harry turned on the radio and 'I'm So Fancy' came on and I said "no" and 3zHarry said "oh yes!" He turned it up and yelled and singed it and I covered my ears and watched him yelling\singing I started laughing and the song was finally over and we laughed are heads off and then 'she looks so perfect' by 5SOS came on and we both yelled "Yes!" And then we both started singing and laughing and then the song was over and then we finally stopped laughing. Then I said "Harry wear are we going?" He looked at me and said "its a surprise" I smiled and said "ok" about 15 mins later we finally get there and it looks like a expensive place Harry got out of the car and came to my side and opened my door and he took my hand and lead me to the door and we walked in and the lady sat us down in a booth and asked for our drinks and I said "coke" and harry said coke too. We got drinks and are menus and Harry wouldn't look at the menu he was looking at me and I looked up and are eyes met and I smiled and he was still looking at me and then I laughed and said "what?" he smiled and said "your beautiful" I smiled and said "Thankyou" even though I don't believe it. We look at the menus and the lady came back and I said "I want the broccoli and cheese pasta," then harry said "I will have the spaghetti" she smiled and said "ok and can I please can I have a audio graph please my daughter is a huge fan!" He looked at me and I smiled then he said "sure what's her name?" She smiled and said "Claire" I smiled and said "that's my name too!" She smiled and said "really?" I smiled and said "yes ma'm" she smiled and said "that's cool my daughter would love to hear that!" She smiled and said "I will be right back with your orders!"' She walked away and Harry said "so Claire tell me something about yourself?" I said "I'm 16 I love cats I have green eyes and brown hair and I love to be outside also I like turtles!" He smiled and then I said "now tell me about yourself styles?" He smiles and said "ok I'm harry styles I'm in a boy band I'm 20 years old I like cats also I like to eat turtles JUST KIDDING!! I love turtles and my mom is always calling me!" I laugh and said "oh ok" are finally came and I started eating and harry did too and we got done eating and harry payed even though I argued with him that went to no where, then after he was done harry said "do you want to come to my house and hang out with the boys?" I smiled and said sure but I'm going to call mom and see if it's ok" he said "ok"

On phone with mom

C- hey mom do you care if I go to Harry's house and hangout with the boys for a while?

M- sure I don't care

C-ok I will be home later ok I love you

M-I love u too

Off the phone

I turned to harry and said "she said she was fine with it" harry smiled and said "great are you ready to go" "yep" we walk to his car and he opened my door and then shut it and then he got into his side and said "let's get some Andy's ice cream!" "Yeah but this time in paying!" He looked at me and said finally said "ok I guess but only this time never again!" I chuckled and said ok I got vanilla and harry did too and then I gave him the money then to the lady then we drove to his house.


Hi my loves I hoped you like this one! If you have any questions just asked me in the comments!


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