Ch.17 The water park!!

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Hey guys I hope you like this one it's going to be very fun and I hope it is longer than the last one so.. I love you guys!!!!



Claire's P.O.V

I woke up and this Time I didn't smell anything burning so I know that's good! I was about to get up but someone's hand was over me, I looked back and I see a cute face with really nappy but cute curly hair I smiled and kissed him all over his face then I stopped and harry smiled and said "why did you stop" he smiled I pecked his lips and said "we have to get ready" he groaned and said "how about 15 mins ten we will get ready" I smiled and said "how about no" "Clairrreee" he said my name and I got up and took his hand and tried to pull him out of bed but I ended falling on the floor. Harry laughed and said "are you ok?!?" Laughing so loud I started laughing too and then I stopped laughing and got up and said "come on Hazza we got to get ready" "ok" he got out of the bed and I walked towards the bathroom but before I got there harry hugged me from behind and I said "harry I got to get ready and so do you." "Well can I help you" I chuckled an said "no I will be just fine Thankyou though" he smiled and said "ok " i smiled "ok I will get ready in the bathroom while you get ready out here ok" "ok" I kissed him then I got my black bikini out then some running shorts and then a pick v neck that was really lite. Then I walked into the bathroom and put on my bikini and then my shorts and top then I put on hair into a high pony tail then I walked out and harry was already in his swimming trunks and a top that said "you mad bro?" On it then I got my black flip flops then I said "come on let walk down stairs and see if the boys are ready" he said "ok" and we walked down stairs and I got my ray bands and the other boys were already at the door and niall said "are y'all ready?" "Yep" we both said then me and harry and Niall got into my car then liam, Zayn, and Louis got into zayns. Harry was driving and he pulled out of the drive way.

(Skip the car ride. )

We get to the water park and there wasn't a lot of people there so we got are hand stamped and we walk into the water park we all put on our sun glasses. We walked to some chairs and put are towels and flip flops around there then these two little girls came up to louis and said "OMG your loui-" they got cut off by louis hands and he said "shh don't say it please" they nodded and then he let go and they smiled and gave them a hug and a picture then they walked to me and said "can you sign this" "me?" They nodded and I said "how do u know me?" "It's all over then news you are Harry's girlfriend duh" they whispered and we chuckled and I said "sure" I signed it the giggled and walked away. I went over to harry and smiled he smiled back "your first autograph!" "I know!" We both smiled and then louis said "what first?" "Well me and harry are going to go on a water slide" louis said "ok come on niall let's go on a water slide!!" he was running taking Niall said "ok" then Liam and Zayn went on the lazy river. Me and harry walked to the first water slide and there was a few people in front of us and harry was carrying the tube for two people he looked at me and said "this is really tall I don't kn-" I cut him off by pecking his lips and saying "it's going to be alright I promise ok" he smiled at me and said "ok I love you" "I love you too" we get up to the water slide and the life guard that was a bit said "no sunglasses" we both pulled them off and he said "oh nevermind it's ok I understand. Harry smiled at him and then we sat down are tube and harry got in the back and I got in the front one then he pulled me between his legs and I smiled then the lifeguard pushed us then we went down and we were going really fast and Harry and me were yelling and laughing then we got on a curve and it tilted the tube and we screamed but started laughing and we went though a lot of drop offs and curves we were laughing then we saw the end of the water slide then we got into the pool and the tube flipped and we both swam to the stars to get out of the water and we came up and we started laughing and harry hugged me and he said "that was so fun can we do it again!" Smiled and said "sure but let's do another one they got like five!" "Ok" he kissed me and said said "hey did I tell you look sexy when you are screaming?" "No but Thankyou babe" "your welcome" we got our tube and we got in a line for another one. Got to the top and harry smiled at me and I did too then we got into the tube and did the same thing and then the life guard pushed us off we went down it and this time was spinner us around and I held on to harry harder then it felt like it dropped but really didn't then we hit the water and did flip over this time then we got out and the boys were walking towards us then louis started running towards me and hugged me and I said "what wrong?" The boy came up to us and niall said louis wants to go on the water slide but he wants to go with you "yeah please!" Louis said I looked at harry and mouthed "go" I smiled and then I said "come on Lou" he smiled and said "Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!!" We walked to a water slide an we got to the top and louis got behind me and the life guard pushed us off and louis was saying "SUPERMAN!!!" All the way down while I was dying oh laughing the we got done and I walked back to harry and held his hand I said said "hey handsome" "hey beautiful!" He kissed me and then Zayn said "get a room" we laughed and louis said "what now?" "I'm hungry!!" Niall said "well to the food stand!" we all walk to it and we all got icecream and harry payed for mine after arguing with me that he was going to pay then we all sat down and ate our ice cream then we went on more stuff like the wave pool and the lazy river and other stuff and about 2 hours we left.

We got home and I was so tired I got a shower and harry did too then we went to sleep.


Hey guys I hope u liked it and I will update some more again tonight!! Goodbye my loves!!


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